Season 3 (Orphanage)

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We walked side by side, children raced past us as we did so.

It was truly upsetting seeing how many kids were here and especially the young ones, but then again the older ones being here longer also broke my heart, why wouldn't someone want them?

"Do you know who we must speak with?" Cole asked as we neared a set of stairs, we followed Anne while she walked up.

As we walked we could heat one of the workers yelling at a small girl "No supper that what you'll be having and much worse if you don't stop sniveling!" I can't beleive she would do that, that sounded...well it sounded like Mother but this child was so young to be treated that way, it just wasn't right.

We could hear children yelling and though she didn't say anything I could tell this was hard for Anne, we walked to a door and Anne looked inside while Cole and I hung back a bit, giving her space.

"Looks almost bearable in the daylight" she said still staring out and into the room "was it horrible here?" Cole asked, I could see the tears she was just barely containing as she turned to face us.

"Its an orphanage, worse than some, better than others I'm sure." her tone was indifferent but anyone could see the pain in her eyes as she spoke about it, it was heart wrenching.

Cole and I said nothing more as she turned and began to lead us down the hall to another door, this one though looked like some sort of office, two children already sat on a chair when we arrived.

A man spoke to the matron inside.

"Their mother died and I can't keep 'em"

"How old?"

"Four, Five,Six, something like that. Real mouthy too, this place'll probably to them some good"

I could hear the small cries of the children as the man spoke. How could someone speak of them as if they were trash to be discarded? It baffled me that one person could do that to another, two in fact, I have never understood why people are rude for no reason and I doubt I ever will but this...this was just sick.

"When their older you want 'em back, or should I tell 'em you're dead?" my eyes widened and I faced Anne who also looked shocked, "Dead, please" without another word the man left.

The urge to yell at him and tell him how messed up all this was, was strong but I decided against it, it wouldn't help anyone now.

The little boy stood running to the man and holding tight "Papa!" my heart broke at his pained yells "I cna't take care of ya. I can't keep ya! Go on." the man sounded upset as well and though I didn't know the situation I just had to beleive he could've talked to the lady quieter, I have a feeling this will haunt those children for their whole life now.

Some matrons came from the rooms, one pulled the child from the man while the others watched, I placed a gentle hand onto Annes. Seeing that and hearing what had been said, I can only imagine what was going through her mind now.

I heard Cole take a deep breath "Its our turn" Anne kept her hand on mine while she peeked around the corner to check.

When she motioned for it we all stood, walking into the womans office we stood in front of her, she glanced up from her tea looking between us "Yes? May I help you?" Anne didn't sya a word but she gripped my hand a bit tighter "Are you dropping off or picking up?" he casualty in that was unsettling I must say, I looked to Cole both of us knowing that Anne wasn't ready to answer right now.

"Neither. She was an orphan here for a long time. Her name is Anne Shirley. We're looking for information on her family" I watched as the woman studied Anne as Cole spoke, looking her over as if anylizing every bit of her.

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