Season 2 (Back in Trinidad)

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Bash and I were back in Trinidad today, I must say, I never tire of this place, it just continues to amaze me everyday. "Blythe, you ready?" I heard Bash call "One rum, and one babash" he said to the bar keep, he came over and sat beside me, drinks in hand.

I got a whiff of his drink "oof! Ooh, you sure thats not gonna kill you?" he laughed "No, thats what makes it good. The danger. Got to be able to taste death to feel alive Blythe. Not for you though, first timer. Babash, local delicacy I tell ya. You'll be sprouting like a weed".

We both puased for a moment before I spoke again "Man, seeing the world, trying new things. Really, what could be better?" he looked up at me "Gold. Some girl tell you there might be gold on your land, and you would rather move coal." I chuckeled a bit, "Bash, that girl may not be the best narrator, she and her friends are pretty... imaginative" he still looked at me like I was insane "You are carzy! If I had someone pretty back home, gold or no, I'd be up and outta here!".

I paused as I thought over his words "Its... Its not like that with y/n" I sighed, I couldn't stop the nagging voice in my mind from screaming at me that it should be like that, that I should be with her, laughing talking having fun, she sh-"Blythe?" I looked up startled "right- sorry about that, as I was saying, she is just a friend" my mind echoed the word, why was it so hard to say? Bash's grin widened "Yeah, a friend that makes you smile and act like a moke, be a man" "I am" he shook his head slightly "only a boy can't admit when he's gone over a lady" I thought for a moment before the most brilliant thing struck me, I looked up confidently grabbing his drink.

"Would a boy stare danger right in its face? And swallow it?" I took a swig as Bash tried to stop me "Hey! No, no!" but as soon as it had gone down I could feel it coming back up, digusting gunk rising in my throat "oh oh, oh! Oh" I ran to the outer part of the bar throwing up what was left as Bash patted me on the back "There there, doux doux, you are a man in truth, now come" he said tugging me along.

It had been a few days sense the club and now back to school it is. As soon as I got there though I had yet to spot Anne or Diana, I shrugged it off and sat down at the table, we had been through half the day by the time I had spotted them. "Hey guys! Where were you?" I asked "Nowhere important, just talking, how is being shut up in your room?" Anne asked "dreadful ,Gilbert hasn't even written back yet so theres not even that to be excited for!" they both nodded and we all sat down, chatting and soon they told me about Diana not being allowed to be a child anymore, boy did that anger me.

"She can't do that! You must tell her what it is like for you and Minnie May! I know she is your mother but if she loves you she would not do this" I was simmering with rage but trying my hardest to push it down, "y/n don't worry, mother is just stressed she will be done with it soon" she didn't look confident in that answer, I knew she didn't beleive what she said, but I dropped it, she would stand up to them one day, I'm sure of it, they can't boss her around forever.

The day ended and I walked straight home and up to my room, there was no need to get in more trouble right now, I might as well just do what I am supposed to for now.

FInally! I finished writing the letter for y/n, it took me admittedly longer than I care to say but at least now it is finished. Bash and I were waliking to the post office to send it out, "Make haste in sending that love letter Blythe" I smiled slightly "It's not a love letter" I got closer to the door and grabbing the handle "Right. I forgot" "I'm serious! It's not a love letter" I exclaimed walking in and sending it off, I hope she gets it soon.

Wewalked out of the post office and began our way down the crowded street "How long did they say till she gets your love letter?" Bash asked "It's not a love letter. Maybe a month" we continued down the street."AHHHHHH" "Help!" Bash and I quickly turned our heads in the direction of the noise hastily we moved through the crowd to find the source, "please! No!" we ran over seeing a woman sprawled on the ground crying and screaming as the door in front of us shut.

Bash and I helped her up as he began firing questions "Whats wrong? What is it?" but I knew what it was, it seemed obvious "she's in labor, Miss? Where's your family?" Bash looked over to me for a second before turing back to the woman "She ain't have one and her brothel mother just threw her out!" he exclaimed angirly heading torwards the door as I continued to try and help the woman. "Is there a doctor coming?" I asked her as Bash began banging on the door trying to get them to open it "Miss? Is there a doctor on the way?" she looked at me still in fear as she got up and began walking away "Miss?" Bash was still banging on the door but I stopped him so we could follow the woman.

She ran through in alleyway quickly heading off "Miss?" I called out, we heard screaming from a nearby hut and we rushed to it I found her sitting on a table "Miss? Miss? I know you must be scared, whats your name?" she was still sobbing as she muttered out "Ru...Ruth" I nodded "Ruth, I'm Gilbert" she began crying louder "Your waters have broke" she nodded, I quickly got cloths from outside on a line as I saw Bash running up "we have to get help" I shook my head "no time, its happening now" we began arguing "this is different then the cows on the farms Blythe" "I know that!" I gave him a choice, help me, or go find help, he chose the first, thankfully.

I began getting everything done while she pleaded with Bash "You keep that white man away from me!" as much as it hurt I understand her fear, hopefully she would let me help though. Bash began to reason with her as I continued setting things up, Ruth began screaming as the pain got worse and I had Bash help her to the ground. It took a while, it was... nerve wracking to say the least, but at the end, she had her child.

Well, back on the boat! Bash and I were once again shoveling coal just like all those months ago, the bell rang as the boss called for a change, Bash and I looked up nodding at each other and walking out, aconversation sparked up.

"Wouldn't mind having one of those, a struggling wailing lil fella. You know, throw the ball with, bouff when he backchats" I nodded "I could see that for you" "But I got no way to raise him up right, you need land for that." he paused looking at me as we washed up using the barrels "waht kind of strange child were you anyway Blythe? Needing to know about your own breech birth?" I paused "I didn't want to know about my birth necassarily, I wanted to know about my mother, so I asked my father" when I looked up he looked very confused, right, I hadn't told him yet "she died giving birth to me" "sorry, my brain is slow" I chuckeled a bit "its alright. Didn't want Ruth to know that part" he nodded looking down, an akward scilence stretched between us until I broke it.

"I don't want to be a farmer" he smiled "you said that before. Now you're sure?" I nodded "guess theres other things calling out to you, eh... Doc?" we both started laughing at that... What if maybe I could be a doctor?

An: 1442 Words! Wooo and over 350 reads! I
swear I'm in shock! You guys are literally the
fricken best! Thenkyou so muchhhhhh! I hope
the scene with Ruth wasn't to graphic, I figured
I should include it since it made him think
about a career as a doctor. Anyway as always
leave any suggestions, questions, comments,
or concerns! I love reading all of them! I
hope you enjoyed this chapter! Happy
Reading Bookworms!

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