Season 3 (Mi'kmaq)

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In this chapter you may come up with the name that you think resembles who you are, E/C/N is elders chosen name for you
I didn't tell mother about our plans nor father. I had stopped letting them know of anything going on in my life and the more they tried to control me the farther away I would get from them.

Sooner or later they had to relize their wrong doings right? For some reason that didn't seem like a hopeful thing. "Y/N, are you ready?" I turned to Anne who was tighning the saddle on Bell and making sure it wouldn't slip.

I nodded, she got on first and I followed shortly after, "Did you write it down? I remember the directions but just in case" I nodded pulling them out from my coat and handing them to her.

"I wrote it shortly after she left so it was still fresh in my mind" she gave me a small smile and began reading through the directions. Some places were more difficult to get through than others but we managed and somehow mafe it to the area in under an hour.

We both dismounted, her grabbing the reins to hold Bell and me standing beside her admiring the small area.

There were fires and homes, conoes and people all around talking with each other. I spotted the girl from before and found her already seeing us with a smile on her face "You found us!" she came running over "It was just as you said!" "The directions were quite descriptive" she nodded coming closer but stopped when she saw Bell, not frightend per say but definitely weary.

"Don't worry about her, this is Bell" I said giving her snout a small pat, "Of course, no need to worry, you can pet her. She won't hurt you" the girl hesitantly put her hand out and slowly pet her, a smile coming to her face as she did so.

"Do you mind us asking your name?" I asked cautiously, the girl turned "Ka'kwet" Anne and I took turns saying it to make sure we pronounced it correctly.

"Does it have a meaning? I love that your names describe the bearers characteristics" Anne asked, Ka'kwet nodded "My name is for the...sea star" "Starfish?" I asked "you must be very strong" Ka'kwets grin widend as she looked between us.

"What are your names?" she asked a moment later "Anne,, plain Anne, it doesn't mean anything and this is..." "Y/N, I've been told it could mean some things but I don't really know if I'm honest" "Well if I was an elder and could choose your names it would be Melkita'ulamun for Anne, a strong and brave heart. For Y/N I would choose... E/C/N it means kind and clever".

I could tell Anne was very happy with this, ever sense I had met her she would always say the things she had hated about herself but now knowing how someone sees her after only knowing her for a few hours and how good she really is, well I just think it had an effect on her.

"Did I say something wrong?" "No. I love it, Thank you from both of us" I nodded, Ka'kwet smiled, she taught us both the proper way to say it and we all laughed when I was finally able to get it.

Mine was a bit more complicated than Annes but it sounded so beutiful that I didn't mind in the slightest. "Like to see the sticks now?" "We'd like to see everything!" Anne brought Bell over to a tree and made sure she was ecure before catching up with Ka'kwet and I.

As we walked Anne and I listend to everything, what they ate, what they're homes were called, even weaving teqniques.

I twas all facinating, to think we've been living one way when there are so many others that we could have been doing. It was just an eye opener to the world and I hope one day I'll get to see even more new things like this.

We stopped near one of the wigwams I beleive it belonged to her, I saw the man from earlier, her father and a woman standing not far from the wigwam, two children next to her.

"Thank you so much for letting us come" I said "You welcome" she looked to Ka'kwet seeming to ask her something before Ka'kwet nodded at her with a bright smile. "That is my mother, small brother, and sister" we waved to them, the small girl hid a bit, I guess she's a little shy.

The mother lifted her spinning her in a circle while the girl laughed, I smiled, they seemed to have a good relationship is it wrong to be a little jealous of that? I hope not.

The woman spoke to Anne and I and we looked to Ka'kwet for an answer, "She said Anne's hair looks like the earth, and y/n she thinks your eyes shine like stars." a large smile made its way to my face as it did to Annes.

"Thank you so much, I know that helped the both of us in perceiving ourselves" I smiled as Anne nodded in agreement.

I knew Anne hated her hair though I never saw why, for me though my eyes had never been a nusicance but there are times where I had wished for a prettier one, more uniqe I guess you could say.

Anne turned to Ka'kwet "I love your hair ties! I usually wear my hair like yours" "I love your colorful scarf" Anne smiled "its not perfect because I knit it myself" "I made theses ties also" "should we trade?!" they said over each other.

We all let out a laugh and they began to sit, I sat near them, Ka'kwet teaching me how to tye one properly in her hair so it stayed nicely. We heard voices from near by "Those are out hunters, back with food. My mother is in charge of it." as the man spoke she translated "the catch was small. Theres not enough game. The train brings to many hunters".

We continued with her hair as she asked Ka'kwet more questions about everything here, she explained to us the way her language worked, if you ask me it made much more sense than english ever has.

"Does all of your family have fire hair?" she asked "well um..." "Done! So pretty!" I finished up the braid trying to help Anne before she would have to say to much.

I knew she didn't like to talk about it all that much, she was always worried about what people may think especially with what happened when she first came and how those people were so rude to her.

"Do you have a mirror?" Anne asked, I saw Ka'kwets face become confused and I explained further "Something to see yourself in" she nodded pulling the both if us to our feet and bringing us to a clear stream.

Anne looked at herself with a smile "Its funny how people are so quick to point out differences when theres so many ways we're all alike" "Alike" Ka'kwet repeated.

There was a call from where we came and Ka'kwet bid her goodbyes, Anne helped me on Bell and we rode back. The whole way we talked about the wonders of the area, all of the beutiful nature and culture overall.

I went directly upstairs to write down everything new I had leanred. The more I knew the more I could understand, and maybe add things like this to my future writing in an accurate way, I doubt many would approve but maybe just maybe people would like it.

Especially if I had a good a plot, one I knew would come to me soon, any day now.

An: 1320 Words! Already at 2.43K! Wow thank
you all so mych I truly appreciate it! I am
trying my best to have a good pace, I know this
chapter was a bit slow and I apologize I am
trying to make it interesting! As you can see it
has been a slow burn and for those of you
who have seen season three then you know
Ka'kwet isn't the only new character. *Cough*
Winnie *Cough* just wait for the drama! As
always leave any, questions,suggestions,
comments, or concerns! I hope
you enjoyed this chapter!
Happy Reading Bookworms!

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