Season 1 (School)

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"Okay class I am Mr. Phillips, as most of you know, we have two new students today, Shrily stand up" Anne stood up and then sat down again "y/l/n stand up" I stood for a few second then I quickly sat down again.

"We will be reading passages from a book today, we will be taking turns reading it. Shirley you are first, start at page 31"

Anne stood from the class and began reading with a lot of commotion, everyone else was gigling or laughing, making funn of her bascally, but I just smiled, I looked over and saw Gilbert, thankfully he wasn't making fun of her, I admire that in a person even if whats happening seems a bit silly and you still don't laugh, I think it shows character.

"Thank you Shirley, y/l/n you're up" I stood up "start page 32" I began reading, I have always loved reading and thinking of new endings to already exilerating stories and then adding my own twist, I read with emotion but stopped for more dramatics at some parts and louder in some areas than others, when I had finished the page everyone looked a bit... bewildered to say the least all except Anne and Diana who were smiling and Gilbert who looked as if he were in thought, when he saw me looking though, he gave me a small smile.

I sat down and we continued on, Diana and Josie Pye up next. We all continued that way until lunch time.

I wen outside to the side of the school with Anne by the stream, we sat down and began talking "how has your day been going?" I asked her "So far it's been alright I guess, I met Billy Andrews and he is very rediculous" she replied, I smiled "Yes quite ridiculous I agree very much" "Hey I'm sorry about Ruby and Josie I only just met everyone today but I think you are quite delightful and they were being mean" I smiled giving her a hug "Thank you very much Anne you are so kind" she smiled and we continued eating.

About 5 minutes later none other than Gilbert Blythe walked up to us, Anne looked at me worried because we weren't supposed to talk to him, "I got this, you can go" I whispered, she nodded and gathered her things sending me an apoligetic look to which I just smiled. "Hello y/n" Gilbert said coming up to me, I don't think he even noticed Anne walk away, "Hi Gilbert" "Would you like this apple?" he held one out to me "oh i'm okay thank you, I packed one for myself today, anyway I really must be going Anne and Diana are expecting me" I said standing with my things and walking off, "um... okay" I heard him mumble behind, I had almost made it to the school house door when all of the girls stood in front of me "What are you doing?! I thought we talked about this y/n" Josie Pye yelled "I had to be polite Josie, Ruby I did not mean anything by it, trust me" I said turning to Ruby, she looked up at me angry and sad, but she nodded anyway and they all stormed away.

When lunch finally ended we headed back inside, I had sat alone for the remainder of lunch, not wanting to disturb anyone.

Now we are at our desks learning some math, as we were writing things down I saw Gilbert trying to get Annes attention, it wasn't going to well though.

Finally it seems he got fed up, he threw his chalk over to our side of the room by Anne, then went to "retreive it" yeah like I beleive that.

He tried to get her to say something but he gave up and resorted to pulling one of her braids saying "carrots" as he did, I was about to say something when Anne stood up, slate in hand.

"I'm not talking to you!" then she hit him with her slate breaking it in the process, to make it worse Gilbert just looked at her and just said "you just did" as he sat back down.

"What a vicious display" Mr.Phillips said as he wrote about Annes temper on the blackbored "Shirley! Come stand up here, you will stand herefor the remainder of class!".

Thats it.

I stood up "Mr.Phillips she did not do anything Gilbert was pestering her!" Gilbert nodded, well at least he takes responisblity, "That is hardly and excuse, you will come stand with her" he said I nodded "gladly" I walked up next to her grabbing her hand so she knew she wasn't alone.

After a minute I noticed Anne had zoned out, her hand hung limply in mine and I tried to subtly get her attention but she began walking.

"Anne?" I questoned but it was as if she couldn't hear me soon she was almost out of the schoolhouse, Mr.Phillips yelling for her to come back, I looked around for a second before running after her, picking up our things on the way.

I assumed she had gone home but thankfully I could see her some ways in the distance so I was able to quickly get to her house and leave her stuff before I left I wrote a quick not on her brocken slate with the chalk I forgot to put down it said 'I will be here if you need me' and I signed my name at the bottom so she would know who wrote it.

I was going to go back with an excuse as to why I left but I saw everyone walking down to their houses before I had a chance. "Annabeth better not tell mother and father about this" I muttered to myself as I began my walk home.

Thankfully she said nothing to them so far, that I was grateful for.

"So honey how was your first day of school?" mother asked as we ate dinner "oh um it was good, I made new friends so that was good" I said "Oh thats good I hope its not with that orphan girl, I heard moved here arounf the same time that we did though, they are so uncivilized" my face fell "actually I am friends with Anne mother, she is a very sweet girl, maybe a bit of a temper but sweet nonetheless" my mother looked at me shocked "I should have known! You know your sister told me that she hit a boy today! How do you defend being friends with suck an ill mannered girl?!" she yelled "That boy was pestering her mother! It was not her fault she could have handled it better sure, but he shouldn't have done what he was doing! He pulled her hair for Godsake!" My voice raised the more heated I got.

"Well I never, your sister would never yell at me like this and I think that is quite enough!" I had tears starting to sting my eyes but I held them back "Go upstairs child, I am quite vexed at the moment and I don't want to lose my temper and get out the switch" my eyes went wide at this, they don't use that very often because they don't completely beleive in its abilities, sometimes though it still comes out.

I ran upstairs before I could say anything else, immidietly going to sleep, not even stopping for a prayer.

1257 Words! Chapter 3 is done!
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Happy Reading Bookworms.

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