Season 2 (Trousseau)

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Warning: Mention of needles torwards the end of this chapter!
We all sat in a circle, all of the girls around each other, Y/N on my right with Diana on my left.

Mairage has been the ost talked about topic recently, I find it quite interesting if I do say so myself. It makes me think about things I may not have delved into as much before, I took a bite of my pastry before looking up at the rest of the girls.

"The trousseau of an unmarried woman, is it an exquisetly perserved memento of her youth, or a tragical reminder of a life she'll never know?" I had been thinking over this one for a while, but having come to no satisfying conclusion of my own I've been forced to ask others.

"Tell us when you're an old maid. Do orphans even have trousseaus?" Josie asked, she was always so condecending when she spoke, I could see y/n fuming from the corner of my eye.

I knew she had a quick temper, just maybe faster than mine, but this might be a record, "I don't think you are in a place to talk Josie, if I had a say, no one as evil as you would get to wear a trousseau" my mouth almost dropped in shock at the look on Josies face.

It was marvelous.

Diana just nodded a bit and went past it "Anne has parents now Josie" she said, I smiled at that, I did have parents now "Not by blood" Josie fired back and my smile dropped, I took a sip of milk as she continued. "My actual mother started mine when I was born, just like my grandmother did for her" I looked down a but, I had always been envious of the whole granparents thing as well as a real family, especially when it came to conversations like this.

"When I lost mine in the fire I... But gran and mother and I have been sewing nonstop to restore it, I'll help you Anne" Ruby said, I felt a smile light my face "we all will" Jane added.

I nodded still smiling "off the top of my head I'd love aquire the collected works the Bronte sisters, and Shakespere, and Mary Shellry-" I stopped when Ruby cut me off "No Anne, it must be things like petti coats and linens, I've already monogrammed several kercheifs with the initials G.B" beside me I heard Tille let out a laugh while y/n scoffed.

I had a feeling she wouldn't like that anymore than I did "Such antiquated rules. What if I don't want to acquire those things? Can't I choose what I want  to enter into my new life with?" I saw y/n nod along with me "I agree, I beleive a bride should get to make her own descion on that and her family should respect it".

Josie shook her head a bit "a bride has a trousseau so that she can have pretty things and be a beutiful wife to her husband, Anne and y/n, you can't change that" y/n rolled her eyes "oh I could if I wanted to, mybe I just won't marry anyone, think of that? No, well that is an option, we are not cattle waiting to be sold" I nodded.

In the back of my mind though, I had a feeling that wouldn't really work for her, I saw the way Gilbert and her look at each other, they will be with each other forever.

A few minutes later Prissy came out from Mr. Phillips office, she told of 'his' decision on her going to college, needless to say, not only myself but y/n and others were fuming, "why does he get to decide?" I asked "yeah Prissy, its not his thing to stick his nose in" y/n added.

She was cut off by loud voices entering the room "hey! You have no right" uh oh, Billy and his goons walked in, Cole inbetween the two, they were throwing something back and forth "Stop!" Cole yelled, "what is this?" Billy wiped his hand on his trousers "Just give it back" "Sure, catch" with that Billy chucked the whatever it was through the air.

It landed we a smack on the window beside a boys head, many of the students gasped staring at the now broken window in shock, "Mr. Andrews! That's enough!" Mr. Phillips shouted oh dear, this is so not gonna go well.

I watched with the others as Mr. Phillips walked over, kercheif in hand and picked up the clay on the ground.

I had seen Cole with it earlier, it was the only thing that could have been, "And to whom, does this belong?" he asked turning around, Cole looked torwards us before sighing "its mine sir" Mr. Phillips looked at him as he began walking closer, almost in a threatening way. He stopped when he neared the stove in the center of the room, opening the small door he tossed the ball inside, Cole looked heartbroken.

Mr. Phillips stood again and turned to face Cole "your parents can pay for a new window" he said, the fuck they will, "Are you serious?! Billy is the one at fault here!" I shouted "Yeah, its not fair, Billy threw it at him" Anne argued "I'm speaking to Mr. Mckenzie!" Mr. Phillips exclaimed.

"Well" Cole didn't answer, instead he turned facing Billy "Why don't you tell the truth for once?" Billy looked at him, he had to look up a bit since Cole was much taller "I was just... doing what you told me to... I was giving it back" I swear I would punch this kid a second time if I could. Cole turned around "My parents can' afford that" Mr. Phillips nodded "then we'll have to punish you in some other way" he walked over to his desk pening the drawr and grabbing a long thin stick from it.

When I say there must of been smok coming from my ears I mena it, this guy must be out of his dammed mind of he thought that, that was okay. He walked over to Cole, "open your hand" "I didn't do anything wrong" Mt. Phillips shook his head at that "you are the most disruptive student in this classroom" which is complete nonsense by the way.

Cole turned once more "That... is your perception, but it is not fact. If you want to hate someone you should look in the mirror" I smiled a bit, I had to hold myself back from clapping at that. "Open... Your... Hand" "No" Cole turned around heading straight for the door, he grabbed his things and didn't say a word more.

Finally, this prick needed someone to tell him off! "Back to your seats!" Mr. Phillips yelled, I groaned a bit, after that? Really, no like 'hey I was just humiliated in front of my whole class, I'm gonna take a day off, go home?' seriously?

We walked up to the door, "ready Bash?" when he nodded I knocked on the door. I knew he would answer quick though, he always did, the door opened "Gilbert Blythe! It's been a while" I nodded shaking his hand "it has" he layed a hand on my shoulder "I was very sorry to hear about your father. Who do you have with you?" I came out of my shocked state and turned to Sebastian.

"Oh this is my friend. Sebastian, its an emergency" I said "yes yes, I can see that, have a seat please" he helped Bash sit down. "It's Blythe that needs help. Cure him of thinking he knows what good for everybody else" Bash said, I rolled my eyes a bit, him and his dramatics sometimes, I swear.

"Thats a sentiment I've heard in this office before, open up let me see it" he tilted Bash's head back and leaned forward a bit to get a better look.

"Its crimminal" he said as he grabbed a tool, "blame him" I put my hand up being mock offended "I was coerced. My judgement was impaired by my need for scilence" the doctor brought the tool away from Bash's face.

"You have a fever from the infection, I can give you something for both. You're going to have to have some sutures" Bash shook his head "sorry to be rude, but I can't stay" he turned to face me "they must have doctors who can help in the Bog." I could literally scream in frustration from his stubborness.

"The only person who can help you in the Bog is a barber who pulls teeth with rusty tongs" Bash stopped, seeming to think for a moment "Blythe, new plan, I get fixed up here, then we go to the Bog" I nodded a but as he laid back down.

The doctor pulled out another tool, I looked over to see what this one might be, needless to say, I was not expecting a needle.

As soon as I saw it I felt sick "Oh no" the world began to spin and the floor came into contact with my body.

An: 1530 Words! I tried a new POV
today! I hope you all like it! I hope I
did Anne justice! As always, leave
any, questions, suggestion, comments,
or concerns! I hope you enjoyed this
chapter! Happy Reading Bookworms!

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