Seasons 2 (Convinced)

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Anne and I got together soon after we finished talking, we decided that the best idea would be to create some sort of fib of sorts, but it was for good reason.  Anne and I walked over to Diana's, "study your lines, we only have one shot" Anne told her.

Once we were sure we had it all memorized we went to do our plan. We all walked calmly up to the Barry's "Seeing as Cole needs to do an errend for his parents in Charlottetown..." Diana was saying "I would make him our perfect chaperone" Anne continued "And put your minds at ease knowing she would be safe" I finished.

They looked at us hesitantly but agreed, but only if they could meet Cole, so one almost down.

We went to Cole's straight after we told his mother the 'plan' "He'll be compensated for his work" I said "Of course" Diana and Anne agreed, next we had to take Cole back to Diana's to meet her parents.

"So you've done errends before?" Mrs. Barry asked "Yes ma'am, nothing feels better then a job well done" "so you're quite a respnsible boy?".

As soon as I got home I fell to my bed, today was exhausting to say the least, and I still needed to get Mother on board. I sighed standing up, here goes nothing.

"Mother?" I called "oh yes dear?" she answered, I took a deep breath, its now or never. "So there is this party, its in Charlottetown, with the Barry's, at their Aunts house" she came to stand in front of me "and..and I was wondering if you would let me go? Before you say no, we know the Barrys are good people, Anne and Diana are going, and we would have a male escort by the name of Cole, the Barry's trust him with Diana, so I thought just maybe..." I trailed off.

She looked me over for a minute, "you want to go to a party?" "yes! But a very responsible and controlled one, more of a gathering really" I said quickly, "when?" "in a few days" she looked deep in thought "If you have a male escort, then you may go" I almost exploded with glee.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is amazing I'm gonna go pack!" she nodded but I could see the small smile on her face.

I ran upstairs and found my nicest dress, I know I don't have the nicest of clothes per say, but this one was only for special occasions, it may not have the puff sleaves or lace but I liked the simplicity.

As soon as I had finished I bolted out the door, Anne and Diana would be overjoyed when they heard the news, I ran up the steps quickly and knocked on the door, not only Anne but Diana beside her came into view "I did it!" they started jumping happily, they already understood.

"Oh this is just marvelous!" Anne shouted "All three of us and Cole! This is going to be positively amazing!" Diana said, I nodded. "I'll be here when we leave, I have to go home now though" they both nodded and I ran home, I had so much energy I could barely get to sleep.

I finally get to go to a party!
I had gone to Annes early this morning so I could wait for Diana with her, she said good bye to the rest of the Cuthberts and ran to meet Diana and I since we had both already said our good byes.

We met with Cole along the way, everything went smoothy and soon enough, we had made it to the amazing mansion of Josephine Barry.

We all ran up and quickly knowcked, she opened almost immediately, "Welcome my lovelies! This will be the scene of the crime" we all laughed as she waved us inside Anne and I stared in awe at the amazing decorations "I've dreamed about parties and though I do beleive I have quite the capable imagination, I have never conjured up anthing as grand as this" I nodded in agreement.

"It truly is lovely, like I could get lost in here, and a certain feeling and vibe that may not have been intentional, but I beleive one that hides so many wonderous stories waiting to be told" I said in bliss.

I could tell Aunt Josephine was looking at me as if trying to peice things together before Diana spoke, "I'm exceptionally excited to hear Celine Chaminade play" she said happily.

"Well Miss Barry spares no expense to get people through the bleak winter" Rollings smiled, "Oh how wonderful!" Anne exclaimed, but Aunt Josephine just shook her head "I can't take the credit for Gertrudes ideas. This was her night. I couldn't bring myself to have a party last year... Without her... Well time marches on, doesn't it" she then turned her attention to Cole "how did you get roped into this fiasco?" she asked him, I laughed a bit, I guess he really was roped in.

"Cole is our hero" Anne said, Diana and I both nodded "without him, y/n, nor I would have been permitted to come". Anne continued to stare around the room in awe before turning to Cole, "the artist in you must love this" "Anne" Cole said in a warning tone, I scoffed a bit "Cole, you are still an artist, its still you, even if you can't or won't understand that right now" Cole just shook his head.

"Well not anymore, I'm happy to be here even so". "Okay, supper and then bed, tomarrow is a big day" Aunt Josephine said, ushering us all to the table that was already set and ready. Everyone ate pretty fast considering we were all tired and wanted to sleep.

As everyone went up the stairs I got up from the table, intent on heading straight to bed, "y/n dear, would you mind having a chat?" Aunt Josephine asked, I shook my head "I'd be delighted to" she nodded gesturing me to follow her into a sitting area.

I sat down in the chair opposite her "what did you need me for?" I questioned, "Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up?" she asked, that caught me completely off gaurd to say the least.

"I... Well, um, I guess some thought yes, why?" she shook her head a bit "you just seem intrugued by everything, very intuitive, seeing hidden meaning behind everything that may or may not be there".

I'm sure my eyes were almost popping out of my skull but I couldn't really care, had she been studying me or something "well, I tend to make up different situations that could go with anything in life, makes it more interesting, kind of like reading, I could just place myself there, imagine a world where the characters know me, interact with me, we go on adevetures, I could sit fo hours on end just doing that alone".

She nodded "reminds me of Gertrude" she smiled "very good reader, loved to make stories, told me all about them" I nodded "you seem to like this Gertrude" her smile increased "yes, she was the love of my life" my eyes widened.

Two women? I shrugged "I see, that must have been marvelous, I could see myself like that" she smiled "I knew you would understand" I nodded "why wouldn't I, love is love, no matter what others may think" she smiled "it really is amazing how simmilar you are" she looked to the clock.

"Well best get to bed, big day ahead" I nodded. I left going upstairs, the conversation still playing in my mind.

I beleive I really would have liked Gertrude.

An: 1304 Words! Omg!!!!!!!! We hit 600
Reads!!!!! I am so grateful for you all, I
can't beleive we hit 600 so quickly after
500!!! I love you all, I hope everyone is
doing well!!!! As always, leave any,
questions, suggestions, comments, or
concerns you may have! I hope you
enjoyed this chapter! Happy Reading


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