Season 3 (Flames)

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Last night... what was that? What was that feeling I got everytime I looked her way? I was aware that it had been happening for a while now, for years even but it feels like now is the only time I really questioned it.

Before I would push it aside, label it as nothing more than friends, now though I'm not so sure.

That though was not an option, I was with Winifred, she made me happy, but... there wasn't that spark that I get with her, was that overwhelming feeling of jo I would get whenever she so much as spared me a glance.

Last night it just continued to grow, out on that porch, her at my side just talking and laughing with each other, thats how I wanted my life to be. Nothing but pure bliss, and with her that seemed possible, it was all just so complicated now.

I sighed in frustaration and ran a hand through my hair, I would only stress myself out more if I kept thinking about it though, I sat down, nwo was not the time.

We had school today, I would see her there but I'd have to suck it up and act normal, pretend everything is fine, as if I'm not possibly in love with her.

My eyes widened at my own thoughts, there was no way I could be though, it was ridiculous to even entertain, Winifred and I were happy, we still are I can't just throw that away right?

She would be crushed but it also wouldn't- I let out a loud groan. "Bye Bash!" I shouted out, maybe distracting myself with school would help "See you later, Blythe!" he called back, without further question I left, hopefully today would be interesting enough to distract me.

Who am I kidding, everyday at this school something was bound to happen.

I walked out, Stacy had yet to leave for now but I decided that a bit of a nature walk never hurt anyone.

Especially with last night I was reminded of how much I missed the beuty of the trees and flowers on every path, as I was walking I spotted a certain red-head and called out "Anne! You're early, want to walk together?" she turned and upon seeing me gave a bright smile.

"I'd love to!" she came over and we walked silently side by side, taking in our srroundings. We came to the fork in the road only to see Diana. I waved at her "Hello! Care to-" Anne nudged me and I stopped, looking to her with a confused expression.

Why wasn't she letting me talk? I looked between them both, they looked like a fish out of water, I would have laughed if I wasn't so confused on the whole thing.

They were best friends why are they acting as if they had never met one another before "You're half an hour early!" Anne exclaimed at her, I jumped slightly, the loudness of her voice was somehow even louder when it cut through the quiet morning.

"So are you" great, so we're just stating facts now, wonderful "Now that we've established the time of day, what's going on?" they both barely spared me a glance.

Imstead Diana began "Well, I uh, think I forgot my hair ribbon or lost it." she looked to the sky behind us "Is that an eagle?" Anne looked back but I stayed put with my arms folded, though she didn't seem to care as she quickly took out the not lost hair bow.

Real smooth, I rolled my eyes, if someone didn't tell me what was going on then... well I'd probably just stop caring but that doesn't sound as fun, maybe I'll make an army of bees, who knows.

Anne turned back to face her "I'll go see if I can find it." without so much as a wave goodbye she ran off back down the path torwards her home.

Anne and I began down the path, I knew she didn't miss the fact that I was staring at her the whole time "Look, I don't want to talk about it." I scoffed "Fine, you don't have to, but that was quite the show to have if there wasn't a good reason for it" she nodded "There is, trust me. I'll... fill you in on it later" I heard the whispered 'maybe' she siad under her breath but chose not to comment on it.

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