Season 2 (Discovery)

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It's decided. I talked it over with the girls last night and they agree that we need to do some research, they are also concerned about this so called 'gold fever' and want to make sure that we are a hundread percent that anyone should give money to 'Nate' I'm starting to think that that name is fake.

We have just arrived at main street of Charlottetown, I must say it is rather interesting. "Horse horse horse!" Minnie May shouted pointing to every new horse she saw, "Plenty of those in Charlottetown" Mrs. Barry told her, I turned to Anne and Diana as we continued walking, "it is rather busy here isn't it?" I asked "yes it is, its rather exciting really" "I love Charlottetown! It's quite fun!" Diana and Anne replied.

We made our way through the streets until we finally came upon the shop that Mrs. Barry had been looking for, by the look of the place it seemed to have a lot of fabrics, 'probably a decorating or sewing store' I thought, I wated as Mrs. Barry talked to a sales person about the fabric she was looking at, she was quite rude honestly.

Suddenly as I watched Diana's mother run around the store Diana spoke up, "I've seen mother like this before, when she is vexed at father she gets very passionate about home decor" I looked at her as she spoke "seems like she goes on for a while..." I trailed off "how long do you suppose this passion will last?" Anne continued, Diana looked at us before understanding what we meant and smirking "long enough".

Anne and I nodded, the three of us quietly snuck from the shop and out the door and made out way to the Island newspaper shop, we opened the door and walked in which seemed to startle the man in there.

Diana was the first to speak "Good afternoon sir, we were hoping you would be able to point us in the direction of the archives" the man looked at us confused "Archives?" he asked "where you keep the old copies of the newspapers" Anne explained "I understand what Archives are thank you, the issue that is confusing me is your ignorance of spatial relations" we all looked at each other as he continued "use your young eyes. Does it look like we would have enough toom to have a functional newspaper archive?" I looked at Diana and Anne "there is no archive" I said sadly.

"We have a vertible Sherlock Holmes on our hands" the man said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes, "wonderful powers of deduction you have young lady" I looked at him for a moment before speaking "well if that is the case then do you happen to recall or know of someone who does recall the story about the gold in Cape Wolfe?" "age and memory do not mix well" we all sighed "but you may have some luck with that bloke, um, Malcom Frost, he was the reporter who covered the story".

At that we all got more excited "A bona-fide reporter!" Anne exclaimed, the man nodded "a naturalist, he wrote the peices because he was concerned as I recall. You best talk to him, he frequents the pub down the block" we nodded happily "Thank you so so much sir" "Thank you!" "You are so kind!" we all thanked him, we were about to walk out when he stopped us "Girls?" we turned to him "Tread lightly, he never recovered" he spoke seriously, we all nodded before heading out the door to begin our walk.

As we walked Anne began talking "Never recovered from what exactly do you suppose? The gold maybe?" "Aunt Jo did say it was a fiasco" "do you think his spirit may be broken?" I asked as we came to a stop at the pub, "this is it" Anne said as she looked at the building "here we go" they both looked hesitant so I made the first move, I walked up pushing the dorr open and they followed me in shortly after.

We all looked around the pub, there was an okay amount of people, not much but certainly not none, it had wooden tables and chairs that seated people with drinks, we all looked to man alone at a table, "well that has to be him" Anne said, "Dear me" we approached cautiously, "Excuse me sir, we are sorry to intrude" Anne said, we waited for the man to respond but he said nothing, "are you Mr. Malcom Frost?" I asked, he looked up but clearly not to talk to us, "I'll take another" he said to the bar keep.

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