Season 3 (Controling)

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Anne gave me a sympathetic look to which I responded by rolling my eyes at her, if no one could tell I wan't in the mood to talk with her just yet.

Stacy tapped the seat next to her and gestured for me to sit down, which I did so reluctantly.

She waited for a moment and let the scilence sink around us before speaking "Y/N, is there something you would like to talk to me about?"

"No" she sighed heavily.

"You remember what happened the last time you kept it all bottled up. Now tell what's going on" I shifted my view, I knew she was right but I hated admitting that fact.

"Fine, I may have a very tiny crush on Gilbert and Anne seems to have blown it way out of proportion" Stacy smiled and shook her head a bit "So I was right when I said... well nevermindm so you like him, huh?" I covered my face with my hands and groaned.

"I'm not even sure! I just talked to her about it for a few minutes and now she thinks I'm in love with him or something" I scoffed "As if" she laughed slightly making me looked up with a raised eyebrow "So is this why she keeps making those comments about him?" I sighed shaking my head.

"I'm honestly not sure why she's doing that. She says she is trying to help but I think it is doing more harm than good at this point" Stacy nodded, we sat in scilence for a moment while she seemed to be thinking.

"How about you talk woth Anne, tell her how you feel and not let her speak until you have finished with what you need to say. She's a wonderful girl but sometimes she just doesn't want to see another person's side of things" I nodded thinking it over "I feel like she will keep bickering with him on behalf no matter what though" she nodded sadly.

"Sometimes you can't control that, they also have they're own type of rivalry so if I see if begin to get personal I will do my best to stop it, will that work?" I nodded slightly and she let out a wide smile.

"Wonderful, now up you go. Nearing the end of the day, I beleive the others are already getting their things together." I nodded standing up and giving her a grateful smiled before walking out, sure enough most people were packing up and I headed to do the same.

I could tell Anne was out of it after that conversation but for now I think's it's best to let her cool down alone rather than try to help, it would also give me sometime to think things over and gain more perspective on Anne's thinking.

I have always thought that there were two sides to every story and I truly think Anne had good intentions that just came out wrong, never the less I'll still leave her be, for now at least.

It seems my plan to be apart from her wasn't going to well seeing as I sat in front of a pacing Stacy talk as Anne and I looked between each other. Stacy had decided we both had to go see them after we had went home that day only to be met with a raging Mrs. Lynde standing on our porch.

She was angry, rightfully so I'm afraid, the men on our board in Avonlea didn't even let her speak and now they think it's okay to control our creativity and kick Anne from the board, and I just have to say that if they do that then they can kick me as well.

We can see how well Gilbert does trying to manage the rest of them on his own, that would be a show since Anne and I were really the ones to help keep people on track and wrote the biggest headlines or stories in the dammed newspaper.

I zoned back in when I heard Stacy talking again "No, no, no. This is about men, feeling uncomfortable with women, with modernity itself!" I was slightly startled at her raised voice, having not expected it since it was so quiet in my own little world besides from my own yelling abou the way men are trying to control us yet again.

"I'm afraid I'm a bit lost" Marilla interupted "Men's hat fashions! There's a pressing topic! What's next? An ode to cigars? Top-ten mustache waxes?" I would have laughed in another situtaion, this was serious, though you had to admit that it was a little funny.

"Are you meaning to say the board is mandating what can and can't be written about?" Marilla asked, Stacy nodded "That is precisely what those old codgers have decreed! Not Rachel of course. She's as scandalized about it as I am, and you should have seen y/n when she explained it".

Okay, I may have been a little heated, a glass or two may have been close to being thrown, so what?

"And not only that but Rachel was resoundingly out-voted, they probably didn't even let her speak!"

"All because of what I wrote?" Anne chimed in, we had explained ssome of the 'consequences' before this, leaving out the 'kicked from the writing' part.

"Oh my word" I nodded in agreemnet with Marilla, Stacy took a seat beside the three of us "Let me put this plainly. This isn't about Anne's article. This is censorship. Censorship that was sparked by small-mindedness. There is a difference between incendiary content and libel"

"What does that mean though, what is so different?" I chimed in.

"Opinons are leagal, libel is not. Anne wrote an opinon that was...clearly inflammatory. Now the board os using her words as an excuse to limit the freedom of the press."

"That's not right though. its simply not right to just limit someones freedom to opion because they don't like it!" Anne nodded with me "Exactly, everyone has a right to express their opinons freely, even if they're unpopular" Stacy sighed looking down.

Marilla turned to Mathew who had been sitting silently though everything, he must've felt so awkward but I don't hink I feel bad.

This is an issue that needs to be adressed and to do that men must listen to us for once "What do you think about all this Mathew?" she asked " I reckon you've heard from about enough men on this topic." we all nodded and turned back to each other before Anne stopped and stood from the couch.

"What can be done? How can we help?" Stacy smacked herslf "I buried the lead. Thats newspaper talk" she explained when she saw Marilla's confused face "Anne" she stood, I knew it was coming.

"I'm sorry, we came over to tell you that the baord will only let the newspaper publish--" "If I'm fired" Stacy nodded sadly.

"I think...I'm going to take a walk..." she began to walk away, I went after her "Y/N, are you sure that-" I was out the door with her before Stacy could finish.

By the time I found her she was sobbing on her knees I walked over quietly, knowing she wasn't in the mood to talk, when she stood she pulled me into a hig which I returned "We'll find a way, okay? We'l fi-" I stopped speaking when I saw a few black peices of wood infront of me from our detroyed story shack.

Anne pulled back confused "Why did you suddennly stop speaking?" she followed my gaze until it rested on the same wood I was looking at.

"You have-"

"A brilliant idea? I know" I smirked.

"Help me, I'll explain later today.".

An: 1302 Words! I lnow I changed a few things
I hope thats alright, it will all make sense
at some point! I will say it may be
hard to figure out so feel free to debate
in the comments! I keep hinting at
things here and there so be on the look
out! I hope you
enjoyed this

<3 <3

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