Season 3 (Relisation)

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An: Question of day: How was your day? (Don't answer if you are not comfortable with it, its okay!)

I walked out, not thinking was better fo me right now, only I would have to let Bash know my plans now rather than later. He would have to be ready to run the farm for him possibly, if not then I would have to figure it out and it was better to know that now.

"Mr. Gilbert, hungry this morning?" Hazel asked when I entered the kitchen "Perpetually." I nodded "And good morning" I took a seat at the table "Waht about me?" Bash asked.

I looked up "Finish that first" Hazel told him "Hold on" Bash replied "Have to wipe down massahs table." I looked at him confused.

I hate it when he called me that, Hazel took Delphine from Bash with a snide comment ot him before walking away, I stood up and looked back at Hazel as she walked "I'm sorry." I turned back to Bash.

"She's very good at making me behave badly." I sighed walking over to him "You're going to have to learn to get along. Soon it might just be the two of you and Delphine" he looked up at me "Why are you threatening me?"

"I'm not.".

I hesitated a minute before pulling the ring out.

Showing it to Bash meant that I was really going to go for it with Winifred, it was set in stone now "I'm... proposing" I held it out for him to look he looked up to me with a smile "Yes. My answer is yes." I almost laughed but I refrained, I took a breath before continuing with what I was trying to say.

"Last night, I asked y/n if she thought there was a chance for us--"

"Wait I have to get up.".

Bash stopped me and stood from his chair "I have to get up for this because basically what you're saying is that I win!" he excalaimed while doing a little dance "I knew it! I knew it was always y/n. From the moment you got her letter on the ship." I watched him continue with a smile on my face, this guy always knew how to make me laugh, I'll give him that.

"I called it. You love her. I win!" I sighed "She said no." his dancing stopped and he turned to face me, a sour look on my face "Basically." "Oh. I'm sorry." he took a seat in his chair "Thats rough." I nodded and placed my hands on the back of the chair in front of me.

"But now I have clairity." no matter how much it hurt "I needed to know where I stood with y/n. Now that I do, I think I could be happy with Winnie." even as I said it though, it sounded fake to me "You're sure you're sure?" Bash asked seriously "Don't go feeling you have to do something because people expect it." I nodded "I'm sure" but he wasn't done "Don't go movin' half way around the world on a maybe."

"Sure--" I cut him off, he wasn't going to make me second-guess more than I have already "Bash." he looked back to me and I put on my most confident face.

"Alright. So... y/n is behind you." Bash stated I nodded "And Winifred is my furture" he nodded, I put my hand on his shoulder "We'll still be brothers." I smiled "Always" he said and stood up before taking me into a hug "I'm glad for you." I gave him a pat on the back as he did the same.

This was it, I was going ot ask Winifred to marry me and I would start my new life... one without y/n in it.

I walke dhome after my talk with Aunt Joesphine, Stacy was waiting for me on the porch when I arrived. "Do I get to know what's got you upset this time or will it be bottled away for all of eternity once more?" I sighed, I knew we would come back to this at some point.

"Stacy, I was upset about something with Gilbert. That's all it was, no need to make a big deal out of it." I had down-played everything entirely, that I knew but right now I just didn't want to think about it.

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