Season 3 (The Note)

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An:Question of the day: What is your favorite season? (Don't answer if you're not comfortable, its okay!)

The next day when Stacy walked in the room she could tell something was off. "Stacy" her eyes snapped to me when I spoke, "I love him" her eyes widened as she stared at me.

"Yo-you know for sure?" I nodded slightly "I do, and now I can't even do anything!" "You don't know that" "But I told him to do it, I told him to go live his life with her. I told him to follow his dreams how could he not have by now?" she came over and sat beside me on the couch.

"Y/N, do you really love him?"

"With all my heart"

"Then tell him, for the love of all that is good and holy go and tell him now!"


"No, no 'buts' go yo his house and tell him, you will always regret it if you don't." she seemed so certain.

I didn't want to argue with her when her eyes held so much determination, I stood up, lacing my boots quickly before running to Annes. I knocked on the door repatedly until it finally opened "Y/N? Wh-"

"No time Anne, can I borrow Bell?".

She nodded and took my hand leading us both out to the barn. "May I as-" "I love him and he needs to know" her mouth parted in shock but she recovered fast, grabbing the saddle and handing part of it to me, we both laced it up as fast as we could.

As soon as it was finished she patted my shoulder and pulled me into a hug "I really hope you get him, y/n" I nodded "Me too, thank you Anne" she put her hand out and I used it to step on while she helped me up and onto the horse.

I took off without a look back, nearing the house within minutes of leaving, I hopped off and made sure Bell was secure at the post before runnign up and knocking on the door.

To my surprise, it was not Bash that answered, but I had a feeling I knew who it was "You must be Mrs. Lacroix, from Trinidad! I'm y/n, its so wonderful to meet you! I heard Bash talk about you many times with your exqisite taste in food and spices-"

"You know my son?" she cut me off, I nodded happily "Of coure, he's basically part of my family, well Stacy and I at least. Gilbert as we- wait, Gilbert! Is he home, I really need to speak with him."

"I'm sorry he went out" she beagn to close the door but I stopped her. "Could you-- wait no I should--a note! I'll leave a note for him" despite having better manners, my judement was lacking at the moment and I pushed past her and into the house in search of things to write with.

Thankfully I found them quickly and brought them over to the table to begin, I heard Delphine crying on the other room "I.. I have to see about the baby" she said, I nodded "Okay, she really is so nice, I'll show myself out" I let out a smile.

She left a moment later and I began the letter:

"Dear Gilbert, I'm sorry, I didn't understand as well my feelings the day of the exams, I know them better now. What I mean is, I love you."

I let out a sigh before signing it "-Y/N, oh and could I possibly get my pen back?" I finsihed the note and folded it, then writing his name on the front of it so he owuld actually take it, I say again that boy can be just a little oblivious sometimes.

I took the note and set it under the small pot on the table to ensure that it wouldn't fall or get damaged somehow, I stood after that and made my way over to Bell, Mrs. Lacroix came to see me off and I gave her a breif wave before turning to face forward and riding off once more.

The next day I went to help with the school, having talked to Dianas father gave me little clairity but it also helped me know that Bash would be okay once I had to move.

I took a sip of my water when something caught my eye in the grass a lttle ways off, I stood up walking over to it.

The lettering from our big stand in front of the board came into view and brought a smile to my face, thinking of the gilr who had started it all, to modest to even take credit for it, that was something I think she'd always do though, no matter how hard she had worked on whatever it may be.

"Are you ready to plight your troth?" I heard a voice from behind me "Take the plunge? Get hitched?" I turned to see Moody talking to me "I know what you meant, Moody" I assured him.

"You've chosen a wife haven't you?" sometimes I questioned how smart this guy really was "It doesn't quite work like that" "It must be daunting. You're determining the course of your entire life." cause that made me feel better "I'm aware"

"How long will you stay in Charlottetown after you're married?" he asked. "You snared a Charlottetown girl? Nice" Billy said "I'm appraising a few myself. Small-town girls aren't up to snuff. Just right for you though bud" he patted Moody on the back.

He acted as if he was better than everyone, news flash 'bud' if you were so rude and gross to every girl you met then they might like you better, I can say in full confidence that small-town girls definitly- I stopped my train of thought, I couldn't go down that road again, I had her answer already.

I arrived at Annes house afterwards, we spent hours around the house cleaning and talking to one another but that stopped when Marilla gasped. "Indians! My word" Anne and I looked at each other with a large smiel on both our faces, I took off first, bounding down the steps barely even hearing Marilla's pleads to stop.

My smile soon faded as we neared and the condition of Ka'kwets parents came into vision.

Anne stopped beside me "Aluk, Oqwatnuk, what happened?!" she questioned "They took Ka'kwet. Stole her." Aluk stated, my eyes widened, I saw the blood from his arm seeping down "Our camp is moving to coastal grounds so our other children will be safe. We must find her. Can you help us?" Anne looked to me but I was already seething in anger.

I knew that school was good for nothing and I still didn't do anything, "I don't understand, isn't Ka'kwet at school?" Anne asked "She escaped...came" he bagn to stumble and Mathew went over to steady him "home".

"Go on, go on" Msthew gestered and we helped him inside.

I don't care what has to happen all I knew was that we were going to bring her home, she would be safe with her family no matter what happened.

An:1198 Words! I'm sorry for all of the switches,
I know this chapter wasn't great so
I apologize! I hope to have a better one by the
next update! Nevertheless I hope it wasn't too
off! As always
leave any questions, suggwstions, comments,
or concerns!
I hope you
enjoyed this chapter!

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