Season 1 (Hero)

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*RINGGG*  *RINGGG* I woke up to a loud sound going throughout the town, "Mother! Mother! Whats going on?!" I yelled out, "There is a fire bring buckets they need all the help they can get!" I jumped out of bed running downstairs and to the barn in the back grabbing for buckets and putting them on a cairage.

Annabeth grabbed the other two and we got our horse Frank, we hitched him up and climbed into the cairage.

We got to the house as fast as we could, it was easy to see the fire in the dark of the night, as soon as the cairage stopped I jumped out grabbing buckets and handing them to who I am assuming is Annes father seeing as everyone was calling him Mr.Cuthbert, he took the buckets and handed them up to a fammilier face, I looked for a second relizing it was Gilbert Blythe.

I backed up once all of the buckets we had were with him. "y/n!" I turned around to see the redhead and raven haired girl running up to me, giving me an enormous hug "hey guys! whos house was this?" I asked sadly "Ruby Gillis'" my mouth widened in shock "thats horrible! She is so sweet" they both nodded sadly.

I look back torwards the house, wait a minute, why are the windows and doors open, fire needs oxygen?

I looked torwards Anne seeing on her face that she was seeing the same thing, she looked at me like she felt that I was seeing her reaction "Why are the windows and doors open?" we asked at the same time.

I nodded "Okay I'm going in" without further explanation I bolted torwards the house, Diana and Anne yelling after me, I looked back once seeing Diana holding Anne back somehow breaking free, she grabbed a blanket and dip it in water running and giving it to me, I smiled in thanks before running inside, I held the cloth to my face while going to the windows on the first floor and doors, the first floor was simple.

Now comes the hard part, I ran with all my might torwars the smoldering stairs, I slowly maneuvered my way up them trying not fall, I made my way up the stairs starting at the back of the house closing the doors and windows.

As I made my way up to the front again I went to close the door but not before seeing Gilbert notice me from the window "y/n?" I saw his worried and confused eyes but I could not stop now, it was getting hard to breathe.

That was the last door, I made my way back to the stairs coughing, as I made my way down the stairs I almost slipped, my throat was raw by now, I made my to the first floor just as black dots began to swim in my vision, probably because I was coughing so much and not able to breathe very well.

I hit my knees right in front of the door, I couldn't see really at all now and it was very black in my vision, my body was numb, it was like I was moving but not, my head throbbed but I couldn't stop now, not when I was so close.

I pried the door open and with the last of my strength I crawled to the grass just away from the door.

"Y/N" I barely heard with how hard my head was throbbing, I still couldn't see anything and I coudn't even feel the grass that knew was beneath me or I was pretty sure.

"Is she okay?" "I don't know, do we have a doctor" "I don't think so" I couldn't really tell who was talking but at least I could still hear though I didn't know if it would last long.

"The fire is slowing down! Get more buckets!" I heard someone yell, slowly I felt the grass under my hand and my vision began to get slightly less black, my limbs felt like they still weighed a ton.

"The fire is out! Is everyone okay?!" I could tell the voice was Mr. Cuthbert this time "No! come here please!" that voice was my mother and she was right next to me "y/n?" that was Anne and there was a third presence that I assumed was Diana, I tried to groan but it ended up coming out as a more of a squeak "y/n can you hear me?" my vison got less black and I used what little strength I had gotten bacl to nod my head, "She can hear us!" I felt more people coming torwards me and her new voices "I saw her in the house while I was throwing water in, she closed all of the windows and doors, she slowed the fire!" I heard Gilbert say "remarkable" he mumbled under his breath, they seemed to notice my condition slightly later "Is she okay?" Gilbert asked his voice got cloer to my head so I assumed he was kneeling by me.

"Yes I think she is" My mother said "Out of the way!" I hear a mans voice, "someone called the doctor and thankfully he wasn't far so he came by" "Okay um, boy help prop her up so I can examine her" I felt someones hands helping my back and head up, "okay stay there" "yes sir" Oh it was Gilbert holding me up.

I felt more hands touching my face and neck before talking again "She will be alright, she has no fever, she should be okay by morning" I tried to open my eyes again even though they felt so heavy, "She is trying" I heard Diana say.

I finally pried my eyes open now only having my parents and sister as well as Gilbert Anne and Diana watcing me, "are you alright?"I nodded weakly, "Gilbert help me get her up" my father said I felt a hand slide under my legs and lift me from the ground "Get well soon y/n" he said as he handed me to my father I nodded the best I could before not being able to keep my eyes open anymore and everything going black.

1052! Chapter 4 I hope
you liked it!
You know the drill.
Happy reading Bookworms

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