Season 3 (Journey)

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"Y/N!" I heard yelling downstairs and I groaned standing up. Whats have I done now? "Coming" I made my way over to the door where I heard her only when I looked through it I saw a certain red-head standing outside talking to Mother.

I stepped out onto the porch just staring at the two before Anne noticed me and smiled. "Y/N! Lets go" I looked at her confused but her eyes told me not to ask questions so I simply turned and put my shoes on wqalking out and over to her.

"You didn't tell me you had plans today" "Well I don't tell you much of anything these days do I?" I know it was harsh but she also knew that we weren't on good terms and just because my friend was here wasn't going to change that.

Anne looked between with a raised eyebrow before grabbing my hand and tugging me along with her.

"Alright spill. Where are we off to?" I asked, I could already tell the path was to her house but I was more than certain that she wouldn't just bring me there for no reason."I have decided it is time to find my origin" "As in biological family?" "Yes, and I need you there for support" I nodded saying nothing more.

If she needed me then I would be there no questions or prying, "Oh and Gilbert will be there" my eyes shot to her as we neared her house where Marilla and Mathew as well as Gilbert were standing waiting.

"What?!" she snickered quietly as we got closer "Anne! Why do you do these things?" I hissed trying to keep the conversation quiet, especially when I could feel his eyes on me.

"You should thank me" she laughed "Now why would I-" "Well hello dear" I looked over to see Marilla with a small smile on her face but I could see the worry there when she looked at Anne.

This must be difficult for them but I respect them nonetheless for letting her go where she needed to.

"Hello Miss Cuthbert! I assume Anne told you I'd be joining or at least I hope" she smiled before nodding "she did indeed and I could think of no one better to help keep her out of trouble" I almost laughed when she said that but did my best to stay composed.


I was more tempered than Anne, I could tell Gilbert and Anne were trying to keep in their laughter as well and I shot them both a subtle glare and smiled at Marilla.

"Yes, thank you for letting me go with them. I will do my best to make sure she dosen't do anything to rash" she nodded and moved us to the cairage, "Mathew and I will be up front, you three behind" they slowly got in while we piled into the back.

As soon as we started Anne bursted into quiet laughter and Gilbert followed not long after, "You? Keeping her out of trouble? You're worse than she is" Gilbert nudged my shoulder, "I am well aware doctor" that only caused him to laugh more and Anne sent me a smirk to which I rolled my eyes.

It wasn't long before we made it to the station and Marilla was fussing over Anne as the two of us watched amused, she looked mortifed as Marilla sat worried.

"You are how you present yourself!" she was wiping something from Annes face, I almost lost it right there and Gilbert shot me look though I could tell he was struggling just as much "if you look like an urchin, heaven knows what danger you'll attract! Do you know what sort of people ride trains?" "Me! I ride trains and I've ridden them many times without you before and need I remind you that I am a veteran voyager?" "Mathew give her another penny for food just in case. You know what shes like when shes on one of her adventures. She forgets to eat" she looked to us matter of factly.

"And before you know, sh-shes weakened and face down in a ditch!" "Marilla!" Anne looked to us horrified while I only smiled amused. "I never did that! And we all know a certain someones no better when it comes to food!" Anne said eyeing me.

I glared at her no need to drag me into this honestly "Oh really Anne, someone is worse than you on adventures?" I could feel Gilbert and Annes stare on me and I shrugged "Oh only certain people in our class can forget sometimes. No need for names lets go" I turned around walking torwards the doors, the two of them not far behind.

I got on but not before there was a quick call "Y/N! Gilbert! Do not let her out of your sight until you reach Aunt Josephines! One watching at all times!" I nodded while Anne looked to be getting a big irritated with her constant pestering.

I don't blame her if that was my mother I may have snapped by now, "Thank you for agreeing chaperone Gilbert. And to y/n I beleive it was for support, thank you as well" I nodded a bit making sure he knew I had heard him.

"I go every Saturday its no trouble" Anne stepped closer to Gilbert "I don't know whats come over her but I am certainly capable of-" "I'll do my best to keep her out of a ditch-both of them" he muttered the last part quietly but I still heard it and scoffed a bit, he turned to me confused and I just shook my head at him.

Anne looked a bit more offended by it and I grabbed her hand pulling her down the isle and to our seats leaving Gilbert to catch up.

"A ditch?! I am more than-" "Anee I know you are and beleive me I would jump in a ditch and I am proud of that fact" she looked at me strangly but said nothing as Gilbert came to sit down across from us.

He sat down looking between us "She's fond of you. Marilla" I nodded in agreement but Anne just seemed to be in a sour mood right now "Its ridiculous really" "If its any consolation I don't mind being your escort, either of you" "Well I mind and I am sure she does too, we can fend for ourselves! Do you even know what my quest is? I am on a deeply meanigful personal journey and I need her to help me. We certainly don't need you" GIlbert looked at me and I shrugged.

"Its her journey I'm just privledged to take part and techinically we wouldn't need you if it wasn't basically illeagal for us to travel without a male escort" he sighed "Yes, I've taken notice to that".

I looked to him at his hurt tone and Anne did as well but he blocked our efforts when we tried apologizing, this was the first time he had ever really been vexed at me and I don't really know how to take it.

I looked over to Anne but she just sighed and shook her head, I turned forward again, feelings creeping up on me, 'would he hate me now? Was I nothing to him now? Would he never want to speak to me? Would I always just be trash?' more questions swarmed m head until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked to my right to see Anne looking at me with worried eyes, I gave her a reasuring smile and she hesitantly looked back to her hands.

This was going to be a long journey.

An: 1298 Words! Literally ten reads from 3K! Thank you
all so mych for all of the support and feel free to say
anything about it in the comments! As always leave
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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Happy Reading

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