Love Me

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The sheets next to me were crumbled from last nights adventures.

I rolled on my side expecting to face the smile of John, but then was reminded of the current situation. Instead of being met by his loving arms I was met with the harsh reality. The empty space was similar to the emptiness that was in my heart. The empty pillow was just a feeling I was going to have to get use to.

I looked around the room, seeing my clothes sprawled across the room. I knew I needed to get up and pick them up, before someone came in and saw the mess but I just couldn't. I non longer wanted to hide my true feelings for John, but deep down inside I knew I had to. I knew that going threw with today's plans were best for our relationship.

The door began to crack open. And pressure was soon applied to the empty space on my bed. The figure crawled under the blanket but soon got up.

"Holy shit your clothes are off! Your naked! What the fuck Katy!" Shannon yelled in my ear.

It was way to early for this.

She jumped out of my bed with wondering eyes, playing a game of connect to dots. Her eyes trailed from each article of clothing that were dispersed throughout the room.

I was now sitting up with my back leaning against the back board of the bed. My blanket wrapped around my naked body.

"I was having some heat flashes last night, I guess it was a side affect from the medicine."

"Yup totally. But I have a question? Did those "heat flashes" have a name such as John, and did they happen to leave those?" she said while pointing to the trail of marks that started at my neck went under my blanket.

"Those are just a rash." I said with a chuckle knowing she had caught me.

"You know you should probably learn how to be a little quieter because I'm not the kind of person that likes to wake up to my best friend screaming her husband or whatever he is name while having.." I cut her off but she kept going. "I can't believe you slept with him, I mean aren't you getting divorced like today?? ANGELAAA!!" she yelled.

"God dammit Shannon can you just stop. No need to drag..."

Before I could finish Angela was walking into the room.

"Jesus Katheryn! What are we going to do with you." she said with wide eyes.

"Whatever. You two can leave me alone now." I said standing up and quickly grabbing my robe and preparing to get ready for the day that was ahead.

The court room became silent as the judge handed us each a pen.

"Mr. Mayer you will sign right here, while you Ms. Hudson will sign to the right." he said while handing us the divorce papers.

I took hold of the pen. The click rang threw my ears. I cradled it between my shaking fingers drawing it closer to the page. It was scary to realize that with just one scribble my marriage was over.

"Well guess this is goodbye huh?" John said with tears forming. He looked so heartbroken, to be honest I was broken also.

I placed the point of the pen to the paper, leaving a thick ball of ink form under the unmoved utensil.

Just as I was about to make the K to my name I glanced over at John.

He was spinning the pen in his hand, looking at it closely. He was thinking. He had moved back the paper, almost like he was not interested in what it had to say, it seemed to be like he wasn't going to sign it.

I though about the situation for a few brief seconds placing the pen back on the table, and without a chance to stop me, I grabbed hold of John's jaw placing my lips against his.

"Promise me one thing." I said with my head leaning against his, still with my eyes closed.

"Of course"

I wasn't ready to lose all the years and dedication we had to each other.

"Love me?" I asked while he replied kissing me.

I broke away, taking the divorcee documents and tearing them as throwing them in the air as if they were confetti. They were now a thing of the past.

His lips once again pressed against mine, and without breaking away he whispered into my mouth.


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