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Katy's POV

So I broke the kiss and looked at John...

"Of course."

With that said he kissed me again, and I heard a few fireworks go off in the back round. Then a heard a few screams.

I broke the kiss and turned around to see Shannon, Ang, and David. They came running over and gave me a hug.

"I can't believe this! John! Your amazing!"

"Anything for you Katy."

With John's reply, he got a few awe's from my sister and Shannon.

"So Mrs.Mayer when are you gonna tell mom and dad, plus the rest of the world." Asked Ang

I thought about that, what is mom and dad going to say about me being engaged? How would I tell the fans?

"I'm sure we will figure that out later, right now however the soon to be Mrs.Mayer would like to celebrate."

So Shannon, Ang, David, John, and I all headed back to my house. Where we celebrate my engagement.

After a few hours it was like 1 in the morning, so everyone went home. Besides John of course.

"John, your amazing. I love you so much. I was not expecting it, but I'm happy it happened. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you."

Instead of replying John kissed me, and who knows what happened after that.

But the next morning I woke up, with my future husband, and my fancy engagement ring. I was ready to tell mom and dad that I was going to need to start planning a wedding, with John of course!

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