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John's POV

Katys been doing great over the last 2 weeks. She finally is getting back to her old self. She hasn't gone back to work yet, and to be honest I don't know if she ever will. She said the other night that after her last tour, and album, she doesn't see much of a point. Yes, she has millions of fans. But she wants to start living her life as a normal mother instead of being the world famous popstar. I told her she needs one last goodbye. Something really big, a high note to end on. Something that will be remember forever, she needs to finish as a legend.

Her main focus over has been the twins. She has spoiled them so much. She took Juliet to the mall for the last 4 days in a row. Juliet not only got 50 something new outfits, Katy bought her a chanel purse. Yes Katy bought our daughter who is almost 2 a chanel purse. On top of the clothes, shoes, and purse, Katy got her tons of new toys. Christmas is practically 2 weeks away, but Katy bought Juliet a whole toy store already.

For Justin, Katy took him to the toy store as well. They also went to a monster truck show. When they got home Katy said she wanted to buy him his own Monster Truck.

As much as I love Katy, our son is not owning at monster truck at the age of 2.

She really has spent loads of time with the kids. The twins are loving it. I've never seen the 3 of them so happy.

Today Katy asked if she could take everyone on a trip. She invited everyone including some friends. I know Katy was upset and now is trying to live again, but damn was she living it up.

I wasn't going to tell her no, so my bags are all packed for the trip. She won't let anyone know where we are going but she said to pack some warm clothes.

Katys POV

I've been trying show everyone how much I care about them. So I've decided I wanted to take everyone to the happiest place on earth. Disney World.

Once I got everyone on the plane, situated I decided it was time to announce where our vacation was going to be.

"Alright everyone! I'm glad we are all here! I hope you guys are ready for a magical week with Mickey and Minnie because we're going to Disney World!!" I said as excited as I could.

Stella and the twins were all sitting next to each other on the jet. As soon as I said Disney World they started jumping up and down in there seats. I just laughed and sat back down next to Ang and Shannon.

"Well look at you. One day your ignoring everyone sitting in your dark room, and the next your taking everyone to Disney for a week." Shannnon said.

"Very funny, my happiness is my children so I figured why not include everyone. You're lucky you were invite Woodward."

We all laughed untill Ang changed the subject.

"Are you going to try to have another kid?"

I wasn't really expecting her to ask me that so soon. But I couldn't let it bother me, I needed to continue with my life even if it hurt to think about that subject.

"I would like to, sometime soon so atleast everyone is kinda close in age. But I don't know if John is really going to want to."

We continued to talk till we heard a beep, signaling that we were about to land soon.

John's POV

The jet landed and we were all now in Disney. We got to the castle, since that is where we would be staying. Everyone got situated, and then we all headed to the park.

I was walking hand in hand with Katy when suddenly she let go.

"Guys look!" I heard Katy yell as she ran off somewhere.

She was more excited then the actual children. We all followed behind a skipping Katy who finally stopped right infront of...

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