Waiting For News

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John's POV

Kay's been in te hospital for 2 weeks. She crys all the time knowing that she put our future daughter into danger. I understand why she would be upset, but she really shouldn't be taking it the way she is. Stressing and crying won't help. I think she thinks I will be mad but I would never be mad. Of course I would be upset if Katy had a miscarriage, however at this point it's not much of our control.

I knew Mary and Keith we're going to come later to visit, and they were bringing the twins. I don't know how they are going to react to seeing Katy.

Katy has not a spot of make up on her face, and she still looks beautiful. Her eyes are extremely puffy from her constant crying. She looks weak and tired, she doesn't walk around a lot. She lays in her hospital bed, hoping that the more she rests the better the baby will be.

Katys POV

I've been her for 2 weeks. My parents extended there stay in LA so they could help John with the kids. I haven't seen the twins since the day of my doctors appoiment. I was craving to see them. I just wanted to hug them and ask them how everything has been. I wanted to tell them how much I loved them.

There was a knock at the door. So I grabbed a tissue trying to wipe the tears that rolled down my face. John got up from his seat and opened the door.

I heard adorable laughs and then John walked back towards me with the kids in his arms. My parents followed behind him.

"Justin! Juliet! Come here! Mommy missed you so much!" I said with a stuffy tone due to all the crying. I patted a spot on the bed next to me.

They jumped up next to me, smiling adorably.

"Hi Mommy! We miss you!" Juliet said.

"Oh hunny! I miss you so much! I'll be home soon though! I promise."

"How soon?" Justin asked.

"Hopefully the next few days. I got to make sure the baby is safe though." I said while pointing to my stomach.

They both giggled, and gave me a hug.

"How's grandma and grandpa treating you?" I asked.

"They good. Aunt Ang came other day." Juliet said.

"Oh really! That must have been real fun!"

"Hey! Uncle David came too!" Justin said.

"Did you and uncle David play games?" I asked Justin. Justin idolized David.

"Yea! We played monster trucks and cars and we watched cars 2" he said.

"Well isn't Uncle David lucky! How have you been mom and dad?" I asked my parents.

"Oh great!" They both said.

"Hey Katy I think you should get up and walk around for a few minutes. Why don't we go for a walk?" My mother suggested.

I agreed and told the kids I would be right back. We walked out of the room and I began walking the halls of the hospital floor with my mother.

"How's everything? Any news?" She asked.

"I'm really not sure. I mean I'm heartbroken. I can't believe I was stupid enough to actually go and drink when I'm pregnant. Shannon and Ang completely blew it off, which made me forget too. I'm sure crying isn't making anything better. But I just can't believe I put my daughter at risk the way I did. I just try to relax and sleep as much as I can."

"So it's a girl?" My mother asked.

"Yeah. We found out at the appoiment. I just hope she survives all this." I began crying again.

"Let's go back to the room." My mother suggested.

We walked down the hall back to the room. I just cried on my moms shoulder.

Mary's POV

Katy is hysterically crying over the fact that her unborn daughter is at such a risk. I really hope she and the child survives this.

I got her back into her room, and John was there alone.

"Where are the twins?" Katy asked in a consernded tone.

"Your dad brought them downstairs to get cookies or something. They wanted food."

With that said a doctor walked into the room. I took a seat in one of the chairs next to John, and Katy layed back down in her bed.

"Okay. Here is the news..." The doctor said.

Katy was frozen. A single tear rolled down her check. She was staring right at the doctors waiting for the announcement. I was kind of nervous to find out myself. If the baby isn't well I knew Katy wasn't going to take it well.

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