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Katys POV

With my last words I pressed my lips against his one more time. I ignored my sister and Shannon who were in the back seat of the car that I was now pushed up against while having a intense make out session with my husband.

I could have stayed like that for hours, days, even for the rest of my life. But I knew that was unrealistic.

Things were getting headed up and I decided it was time to break away and get home.

I looked into his eyes, wanting to lean in so badly and just continue. But I knew that this time it was time to go.

I got into the empty passenger seat. The car was quiet. It was peaceful, which was real surprising since Shannon was in the back seat.

John started the engine. Putting one hand on the wheel and intertwining the other with mine. I took a glance back at Ang and Shannon who just smiled.

A few second laters I heard rummaging, and then I felt a tap on my shoulder. Angela looked at me and took my empty hand placing my wedding ring inside of it. I took the ring and slid it onto my finger. Glancing over at John who just smiled at me.


We finally got home and put the twins back into their beds.

I went into the bathroom, taking all my make up off and changing into some pajamas.

"I missed you." Was whispered into my ear while John's masculine arms wrapped around my waist. I looked at him in the mirror.

"I missed you too." I said turning and kissing him.

"Let's go to bed im tired."

"I am to let's go."

John's POV


It's been a while since Katy and I got into that fight. Everything has been nice. It's almost as if we forgot about that whole thing and carried on with our lives and family. Tomorrow I was leaving, March 14th came fast. It was going to be awful I didn't want to leave Katy with the twins and a baby that could be born any day. But my jobs my job.

"Johnnnnnn what are we doing today?"

"Hm idk I was going to suggest like that we go to like a amusement park or something big but that not be the best idea since you can have the baby any second now."

That was the hardest part about taking everyone somewhere, Katys pregnant and doesn't want to do a lot, the kids are not really old enough for a lot of things.

"How bout we go for a picnic and you bring your camera of course. Just relaxing and having fun." Katy then suggested.

"Okay sure. I'll make food. Since your not allowed to cook, and you go get yourself and the kids ready? If you can grab my camera while your at it?"

"Sounds like a plan." She said while walking away back up stairs.


We didn't go to far. There was this local park that is usually pretty empty. It is overall just a relaxing beautiful setting. Exactly what the Mayer family needs on their last day together.

"John honey! Take a picture of them they look cute." I heard Katy say while point at the twins who were playing on a swing set.

I got a couple picture of them. Then took some of Katy when she least expected. I was different going to miss this.

While I snapped another picture of the twins now playing on a slide, I heard Katy yell from behind me.


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