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John's POV

3 months into the pregnancy and I can already tell that this one is going to be a girl.

We know for sure that we are not having twins again which is good. Eventually I want like 6 kids but one at a time, that will get Katy to agree with the idea since she at first only wanted one kid.

Today she has a doctors appointment where she can find out the gender if she wants. As of right now she's keeping it a surprise though which should be interesting.

It was nearing 11 am and since she had a appointment at 12:30 it was time to wake mrs. mood swings up.

"Katy! You have to get up you have a appointment soon. If you get up I'll make you breakfast or lunch, whatever one you want!"

Bribes were the only way to get her out of bed.

"Screw you. Let me rest! But make me a sandwich please babe I love you."

Ugh here she goes again.

"Katy sweetie, I'll make you a sandwich as soon as you get up. We need to go to the doctor and check on the baby."

"Oh my god why didn't you wake me up earlier!" She ran out of the bed slapping me playfully and ran into the shower. So I went and made her a sandwich just like she asked for.


45 minutes went buy and I was watching some disney channel show with the kids. Katy walked in with her makeup and hair done while she was still in her robe. She carried a plate in one hand and half a sandwich in the other. By the look on her face I could assume that the other half of her meal was in her mouth.

"This is so delicious." She said in between her chews. She actually was pretty cute.

"Go get dress and I'll get these to packed up to go over Aunt Ang's! We can drive over there with some time to stop at a starbucks if you go now."

Her eyes light up at the idea of starbucks and she ran back up to her closet in seconds.

"Hey daddy?" I heard my almost 2 year old son say.

"What's up kid?"

"What happened to mommy? She got kinda fat!" He said with a giggle at the end.

"Well mommy is going to have another baby. You could have a baby sister or brother. The baby is hiding in her tummy for another few months and then you 2 will need to teach him or her everything about being a kid!"

They both giggled and that brought up more great questions, that I was delighted to answer.

"How did the baby get in her tummy!" Asked the innocent Juliet.

"Umm.." Before I could answer a dressed and ready to go Katy walked down.

"Oh Katy! The twins have some questions I'll go and pack the car up with everything we need."

With that I ran off leaving her to give the children some answers.

Katy's POV

"Alright tell me what's up kiddos."

I wasn't expecting the question that came next. Boy was John lucky he ditched me when he did. How was I going to explain this one.

I figured why not have some fun with this. It's not like I'm going to explain the actual process of having a kid to 1 year olds. That would be weird and probably not using any parenting skills.

Instead I'll tell them something that they might laugh at. I was going to need to use the imagination of Katy Perry for this one. It needed to be something good. Maybe something like aliens or superhero. Or even I ate a magical ice cream from some unicorn. Why not give them a fun story that would make them laugh.

"Well it started out when..."

To Be Continued

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