The Truth Comes Out

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Ang's POV

I knew Katy was lying, and I was going to get her to tell me what actually was going on. Being the older sister that I am I was going to get her to spit it out.

"Okay Katy, spill!"

"What do you mean, there is nothing? I just said everything out there." She was a horrible lier.

"Why did you throw up?"

She looked at me m, and just by looking into her eyes I knew she was now begging me to give up on me questioning her.

"Just didn't feel good. Maybe I drank to much the night before."

"Katy you gave up drinking didn't you."

She then knew I had cought her in a lie but she still wasn't giving up.

"Then it's just a stomach bug."

"Katy. I know."

"About my tour with John? Ang there's nothing! I probably just ate something. The record company called us while we were in there. It was big news, we were whispering what each person told us to each other and then when they finally announced we got so excited John yelled!"

I looked at the floor, and my eyes led me to Katys suitcase, and the front pouch slightly unzipped. Just enough to look in and see a box of some sort.

I didn't reply to Katy instead I walked over to her suitcase. Before I could open the front I felt Katys body come crashing onto mine. Like a football player tackling their opponent.

"You can't go in there!"

"Why not Katy!"

"Because what's in there is a suprise that you shouldn't know about. Not yet!"

I was beginning to feel a mixture of anger and sadness. Katy should trust me, that's what sisters are for. I would never be mad, I'm just always here to help her. I already know what's in the bag, it's just I didn't want to call her out.

"What are you hiding! Katy im not mad I'm just your sister I should know! We don't keep secrets, we tell each other so we can help each other."

Katys POV

Her last words hit me. She was right John may know but I need my sister to know to. She gets me. She can relate to me. She is the first person I go to with a problem.

"Fine, look for yourself."

I watched her go into the zipper and pull out the box. She read the label and then looked up at me with a huge smile.

"Katy that's great! Oh my gosh how did this even happen!"

"Well I'm pretty sure you know how it happened, so hopefully I don't have to explain that to you.. But I'm pretty excited."

Ang's POV

"Are you ready for this?" I didn't want to want to ruin everything but she needs to make sure she's okay before she can run off and have more kids.

"This is going to make everything better. I've never been more ready. I can't even wait for this baby to come in 9 months."

"As long as your happy. Just stay safe. I'm here for you, call me whenever."

"Trust me there will be lots of phone calls." She said with a laugh.

"I'll be ready whenever."

It's amazing how much she's gone through in the last few years. I mean back in 2012 if you asked me if Katy was going to be married with kids by this time, I would have laughed. I was scared that she was going to kill herself let alone live for another few years to get remarried and have 3 kids. She really picked herself up from that low

. I mean I walked into Katy laying on the floor of the bathroom sobbing, she had her wedding ring clutched in her hand just sobbing. Her phone was shattered across the room, she looked like a mess and it didn't get better. For months it was like talking to a empty person who had no emotion. Her laugh was something that was unheard of. The smile that she once had was gone.

But then John came along. I thought he was trouble. I actually sat Katy down one night and tried to show her that maybe he wasn't the right one. But she told me that tabloids are fake and you have to get to know a person. In which she did, and at that pointyou would think they were inseparable.

I got to know John and realized he wasn't that bad of a guy, and was hoping he would eventually ask Katy to be his wife. But then a day came in February and I that was it, they called it quits. I never really knew why exactly but what I got out of it, it sounded like he asked her (FINALLY) , and she said she wasn't ready. He was heartbroken and they took a break.

I'm glad she said no though, not because I don't like John because trust me I loved him to death. But for the first time she put herself first, and was doing what was right for her.

With that split came along some real intresting people. Riff Raff of course, was among the list of Katys new boos. Let's just say I'm glad that ended sooner rather than later. That TMZ report of Katy and him drunk after the VMA's sure was a interesting one.

Then came Diplo, I was never really sure what happened. I'm not sure if they had a thing to me it looked like more of a really flirty relationship which Katy didn't have time for(in my opinion).

Finally Prince Charming aka John came back and it gets us to today. Married, with twins and another one on the way. They have had struggles and some heartbreaking moments. But it's incredible to see how happy she is now. I never really saw this coming, but I'm glad she is where she is. It's amazing to see how much a impact John has had on her. This next child was lucky to have parents like Katy and John.

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