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''you never told me about the balloon'' I said to Finn hoping I sounded unfazed by the entire concept, I turned to face him, laying on the bed besides me

''I wasn't planning on it, - well I hadn't at least'' he admitted looking at me over the joint he was rolling

I rolled my eyes

''why do you feel like that though, the whole floating away thing? I thought people liked feeling weightless'' I observed

''this is partly the reason why I didn't say anything'' Finn answered smartly

''oh, don't be a prick, you are not emotionless'' I retorted

''how do you know that?'' he said devilishly

I glared daggers at him

''I won't push, but I just thought you knew you could talk to me, and trust me with things, no matter how small and insignificant it might seem, I'm here''

He looked to me with nothing but kindness in his eyes

''you are literally the only person who knows practically everything about me''

''Then this shouldn't be so hard for you to tell me, seeing that – '' I started but was stopped when Finn leant over from his side on the bed to kiss me

I kissed him back of course

'' I thought you'd never stop'' he said coming up from the kiss

Coming back in for another kiss, I placed a jarring finger at his torso

''I was going to stop, and you don't get to do that every time you want me to stop talking''

''oh yeah?'' he said a smile playing at his lips, he was mocking me

''Stop it –''

Another kiss


Back in again

I needed to get my point across

''Finn you shou -''

But his lips moved so expertly

Oh forget it

I wrapped my arms around the back of his head, and submitted to his kiss

He removed my arms from around him just to pin it atop of me

After a few moments I slipped out from underneath him and pushed him down where I straddled him, I reached for his pants, I wanted him, at least it felt like I wanted something more. Yes I know my first time had been bad but I blamed it on the circumstances and just my fortunate luck

Plus your first time is supposed to suck, the second time around should be better I hoped

I unbuttoned and unzipped his fly looking at him as if I were waiting for him to give me the say so

He hesitated

''We shouldn't'' he said but it came out all raspy

''You sure" I said teasing him, beginning to pull his pants down

''yes!'' he said pinning me down again

He began to get up, I knew he was done

''No one likes a tease'' I said pouting

He looked at me devilishly before stealing another kiss, the kind of kiss that sent butterflies haywire

I rolled my eyes and got up

The imperfection we called our love | ✔Where stories live. Discover now