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''Do you think he'll lose interest in me if I tell him I can't go?'' Amanda asked, her face scrunched up with worry

We were in her bedroom, getting ready to head out, and by we - I mean Amanda, every few seconds holding up a new top to her chin, and me - filing my nails with the weird electronic file machine, Amanda's mom owned.

''No, I don't think he will lose interest in you, you're a total catch Mandy, I'm sure he'll understand''

Amanda bit her lip, holding up a green plaid fitted shirt with bedazzled rose embellishments on the breast-pockets

''Hell, no'' I said gesturing to the shirt.

I wasn't really a fashion icon, but that shirt was hideous, Amanda knew this too, no doubt. But she also had a dare-devil tendency - sometimes she took the safe route, other times she went full out. Especially where this shirt is concerned, - it had been her favourite one all through middle school

Amanda hung it back in her cupboard

''I don't even know why you still have that thing, throw it out''

Amanda pouted like a little kid whose parents had just refused to buy her ice-cream.

''It has sentimental value to me, - Ryan Fleming gave me my first kiss in this thing'' She retorted, pulling it out of the cupboard again and holding it next to her face

''Well if you wear that, or ever wear that you'll for sure never be kissed by Kevin''

Amanda threw her bunny slipper in my direction

I ducked.

She folded her arms across her chest, biting back a smile.

I shrugged innocently, putting the filer thing down, as it was slightly starting to hurt my fingers

''Why don't you just keep what you have on right now'' I asked finally looking up to see what she was wearing, - which looked totally fine.

Amanda looked down at her jean shorts, and white bell sleeved top and flip flops

''I feel like this is too basic''

''c'mon you look fine, Guys don't care about what you wear''

Amanda scoffed at this

I was giving dating and fashion tips, when I knew nothing about both

''Don't be an ass, you know I'm right'' I said feigning a smile

Amanda said nothing, settling on what she was wearing and clearing up the pile of clothes that was on her bed.

''How do you know when you like someone?'' I asked daringly

Amanda seemed to regard me for a moment, looking me dead in the eye as she folded up a purple tank top

''I don't know really, I guess you just feel different around that person than you do with other guys'' She answered, shrugging and walking back to her closet, when she spun around so fast, nearly dropping the pile of neatly folded clothes that she held against her chest

''Ohh does Emily like someone?'' Amanda dragged out the question mischievously, wagging her eyebrows at me

''No, No! I don't. I just don't get it. - Like how did you know you liked Kevin?''

''oh '' Amanda said, looking almost disappointed - ''Well I haven't really thought about it like that. - Well besides the fact that he is a whole lotta hunk - '' Amanda said licking her lips lavishly

I made a face of showing my discomfort

''Oh don't be such a drag, just admit he is cute''

I shook my head not agreeing

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