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Two truths and a lie became our thing soon after that. We played it so much that it became something we did regularly, like brushing your teeth every morning.

It was also no surprise that Finn loved to cheat, if I might add: frequently.

''That the biggest lie'' I declared, tying my hair into a topknot

We were on the road again, I wasn't sure exactly where our destination was, but we had begun to play two truths and a lie to pass the time

Finn chuckled

''It's not'' he stated

He was incredulous

''It so is'' I insisted

'' Uh -''

He was about to argue again, I cut him off.

''Okay fine, have it your way'' I said holding my hands up to him

He shook his head, the lightest smile tinkling at his lips, I turned away from him

''Okay, I'll go, uh'' I began slowly ''- when I was thirteen my dad bought me a turtle for my birthday, I dislike Lima beans, and Finn is the biggest liar''

He smiled at this

Finn carried on the game streak

''I haven't finished high school, I have 35 toes, and I wasn't lying, you just refuse to believe it''

''Oh screw you'' I said unable to hide the playfulness out of my tone

''Lucky for you, screwing is in my area of expertise, so that's no problem''

It took me a while to process this, but when I got it, I wacked his arm

Finn laughed at this.

I've never been one for games, any type of games, mind games, party games, drunken games, and social games. - But just the once I didn't mind it. Not for myself, but for Finn

I knew that Finn wasn't one to talk, and I respected that, but I also knew that he has been through things he prefers not to talk about

But everyone needs someone to talk to, no matter how introverted, shy or anti-social you are.

So I'd do this for him

It's crazy, when you care about someone enough, that you start to include them in on your life goals, wishes, dreams and hopes, to the point where you even start dreaming and wanting things for them.

Even if it's no always the best for them

''I've only been friends with one friend all my life, I'm scared of heights, and I have pears for ears'' I began again

''Who is the friend?'' Finn asked abruptly

Even though I obviously knew the answer to this, I thought about it for some reason a little longer than I should've, and I had no idea why

''Amanda, you met her - and hey! That's cheating'' I exclaimed

''What is?'' Finn asked looking at me surprised, removing his eyes from the road ahead

This unnerved me; I'd been in one too many car accidents

I pushed his face back to its original position which was facing the windscreen

''You not allowed to ask questions on what I said'' I stated smartly

''Yes you can, who said you couldn't?''

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