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First letter/draft

These last few years were filled with countless questions, questions most of the time I was unable to answer. Questions from friends asking my opinion and input on matters, from parents asking me about school, friends, things that drove me, what career path interested me most, and why my grades were dropping

And then the questions I asked myself every single day.

But I never minded, because it was just one of those things that you have to deal with, right?

This was before you came along.

Damn you Finn Windel

Damn you, with your tattoos that coated your body like armour, and the promises you constantly made in less than a heartbeat

Damn you Finn.

Even now I wish I could blame you for this, But this one is on me

I messed up, I know,

And I'm sorry for letting you down,

I swear I never meant for this to happen.

And although it's far too late now

I'm truly sorry

I know It's all my fault, and I'm sorry I didn't catch you when you fell, I'm sorry I never told you that I loved you back, And I'm sorry that I was the reason for all of this.

I loved you Finnick James WindeI

I knew I shouldn't have, but I did, and that will forever haunt me.

And even though you are gone now

I will always remember, remember every single damn thing, because I won't be able to forget, or go back and change it.

What we had was ours and only ours

Whatwe had was the imperfection which we called love.

Hi love, thanks for making it this far, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing this

Psssttt that little star at the bottom of your screen is shining brighter than the sun and my possible future

don't forget to click it

The imperfection we called our love | ✔Where stories live. Discover now