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The next Friday that came, Amanda and I went over a bit later than usual to Dave's cabin.

I couldn't believe I was back at the place, though I admit, it was a mixture of curiosity and stupidity. It was also a chilly day, where it wasn't cold, but quite windy, where your hair would tend to blow in your face and mouth.

So when arriving neither Amanda nor I hesitated to go inside at once.

Inside the kitchen it was a bit crowded maybe even stuffy, Amanda greeted with friendly nods, a light smile painted across her lips. She often said that this action was very awkward, that she totally hated doing it, and that she probably looked like the awkward-est person ever. But in actual fact, she looked like the complete opposite of what she consistently describes to be 'awkward'. In fact she came across so friendly and nice, that even I felt tempted to talk to her, if I wasn't already.

I spotted Cecily, after that it didn't take her that long to then she spotted us

''There are my angels'' she gushed, walking over to us, looking like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine

Cecily held her arms wide, gesturing for two very big hugs.

As soon as she drew back, I put the hoodie that I had been holding in my hands and behind my back into hers

''Thanks for the clothes'' I said gratefully

''Sure Hun'' she said taking it and folding her other hand atop the hoodie

Amanda's eyes met mine briefly, I still never told her, that I kind of new Cecily, neither the night that we met.

It's just that recently there was a few looks that was passed around in the school halls, when I happened to be walking in them, or the and unasked questions that was practically painted across their faces and screaming at me, or the disapproving glances, which I didn't entirely know what they were for, as I didn't know what exactly I was being disproved of.

At first I was adamant to all of it, but girls could be persistent and a brother, so it might have gotten to me, I was first confused a bit why, and the only thing that came to mind was the ride with Cecily's over confident brother, which seemed to be the highlight of my year so far.

I wasn't a very exiting person I would say, who girls stalk on social media for entertainment or whatever, so there literally couldn't have been anything else besides that.

You see if something had happened then, in that car or with him I wouldn't have felt annoyed, guilty or guilty, because if I did it, I would have had to initially accept the consequences that came with it, including girls talking behind your back, - something which I truly hated.

To conclude and go straight to the reason why I was getting so riled up; because absolutely nothing happened between me and him, apart from the actual car ride, which included nothing more than him driving the car, and me sitting in the passenger seat.

But I guess girls didn't want to hear truth or some sort of reason even, they simply twisted everything and made it into something which suited their messed up version of; 'the truth'.

And Amongst those girls there were girls who wanted to ask questions, but decided best not to. I should also mention that Amanda was one of the 'girls' in this category

The only difference between Amanda and them was that: she didn't push because like she had mentioned it before when I had confronted her about this

By 'this' I mean; simply just asking me about it, instead of trying to pry

And she had responded that she didn't want to ask, because she'd never want me to potentially feel like she was pushing me to tell her something that I wasn't ready to tell her yet

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