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''I need to show you something'' were the first words that had left his mouth

I didn't answer, honestly I couldn't believe it, the nerve to pitch up unannounced and demand I go with him, - no Finn didn't owe me some sort of explanation or anything like that, but I had been worried, I had enough stuff to worry about, so this was unfair on me, I hated him for making me worry about him

I looked away, was this some sort of game to him? He had disappeared for a few weeks with a gun if I might add, what the hell was I supposed to think

I had gone back to Dave's but Finn was nowhere to be found

I had asked Dave but he shrugged, thinking I had something to do with Finn's sudden disappearance

''You can't do that, you don't get to just waltz in here like nothing happened'' I said

''I'm sorry Em I just want to show you something, I promise I'll explain everything on the way''

I stood my ground

Finn began walking away; I think he thought maybe I'd follow him

Boy how wrong he was

''Who is Frank'' I asked

Finn stopped dead in his tracks

''How do you know about that?'' he asked his eyes wide open in horror

That was the first time I had seen Finn so scared

''You told me about it'' I stated dubiously

He frowned

Had he forgotten?

''The last time I saw you'' I added slowly, trying to jog his memory

''When? '' Finn asked

''Thanksgiving night, I found you drunk lying on my front lawn'' I added

Finn let out a shaky breath, everything clicking into place, - I could tell

''Frank was my friend, he died'' he said hastily ''Now please Em get in the car''

I didn't really want to, truth be told this relationship I had going with Finn had become too much, and I was looking for a way out of this without making it seem like it was me

''only if you promise to tell me the whole story, nothing left out'' I said hoping this was enough to get me out of going with, I knew how much he valued his trust, and his trust issues stemmed deeper

He was hesitant

There's my chance

''forget it'' I said walking in the opposite direction

''No secrets, I promise'' he said hurriedly

To say I was taken aback would be a huge understatement

Regardless, I got in the car

I seat belted myself in, thinking this might protect me from what Finn was about to say next

I don't think I wanted to hear, but I was already here

Finn looked at me giving me a smile uncertainty all over his face

I hated whatever was going on here

Finn cleared his throat, and began

''My dad kicked me out of the house when I was ten, I went to live with my aunt, but she didn't want to look after me, so she told me to fuck off outta her house''

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