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After Christmas with the Windel's, when Matt and I went home that night, Finn had driven us home, so I didn't need to hail my knight in shining armour whose named rhymed with: Juber, and when Finn had put his hand on my thigh on the way home, I left it there – for two seconds at least, before crossing my legs, and lifting his hand.

Matt was not quiet the whole ride home, all that I was forced listen to for those few minutes was him bombarding Finn with questions and stories of how Dave and him were new best friends. Finn didn't seem to mind this one bit; instead he smiled so much my cheeks had begun to hurt just from looking at him

Finn was a good sport at least; he nodded enthusiastically at Matt and answered all his ridiculous questions

''Don't you think it's a bit weird to get a balloon necklace?'' Matt asked, and my eyes flew wide open in shock

Before I could react further Finn answered

''Weird how?'' he asked humouring him

Matt shrugged and scrunched up his nose

''I don't know, I though girls liked flowers and hearts and girl stuff on their necklaces'' - Matt paused as if he were actually imagining it

Finn nodded

I considered jumping out the window

''And I don't think Em likes balloons that much, do you Em?''

''uh-yes I love balloons'' I stuttered, taken off guard

''liar, you so do not'' he retorted

''I don't mind them'' I settled on saying, because right now Matt had the absolute power to expose me

''Well I got the balloon one because it means something special'' Finn asserted, putting an end to my misery

''Special to you or for Em?'' Matt asked.

I wanted to tell him to shush, but Finn genuinely seemed to be enjoying this exchange going on between the two of them

''to both of us, I guess''

''How can a balloon be special?'' Matt asked

''Matt – '' I said turning around to look at him, about to say something

But the squeeze on my thigh caused me to stop

''Anything can be special – '' - Finn stopped mid-sentence to shoot Matt a wink first before carrying on ''it's special because balloons don't last long; they usually blow away because it needs someone to hold on to it, but people get tired of walking around with balloons so they let go. Now imagine being that balloon, always worried about blowing away, and even if you really did want to stay, you couldn't, because not only is it impossible for you, but you can't do it alone''

''So you imagine you're the balloon, but you not actually a balloon?'' Matt asked

''Something like that'' Finn answered

''A metaphor'' I mumbled

''That's clever'' matt said nodding his head

Finn shrugged

''Okay I see now how the balloon is special''

''yup'' Finn answered and I felt him turn his head to look at me, I didn't do the same as I was still processing

I sat in silence taking in what Finn had just said; I had no idea of course that the necklace had meant that.... I looked to Finn; well at least looked at his side profile

He was grinning at something Matt had just said to him

I had assumed the balloon meant something, nothing didn't mean something to Finn, I just hadn't know this, and who was the balloon and who was the person holding on in this situation?

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