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It was Friday morning when Finn texted me, asking me when he should fetch me for Gresco

I had completely forgot

I tried getting out of it, by telling him I was by my friend. - Meaning: I had plans, and he should go find someone else to pester

But instead he said he'd only come fetch me there, which was how I found myself saying bye to Amanda a week after staying there, and going back home early Friday morning.

The house was in the exact same condition as I had left it, which meant still no one was home.


Amanda told me to call her when I got home, I hadn't, as I forgot to, due to being on the phone with Finn for nearly an hour; giving directions

I instructed him when arriving not to hoot, to just text me

He thought this was amusing, and thought I was sneaking out

Of course I denied this

But he didn't buy it.


I smoked two pipes In Finn's car, when he said ''slow down tiger''

''What do you care?'' I shot back

I was being a dick, but I hadn't really wanted to come in the first place, and I was in a foul mood

I was usually better at hiding my emotions, maybe Finn was just so annoying that I didn't really care if he thought I was angry, sad or anything.

We pulled up into a huge parking lot, where the streets were littered with so much people; I thought I might be in China.

Loud techno music blared from; I have no idea where. We didn't get out of the car; Finn just slowly drove past everyone, like a hunter examining its prey

''yo, my man what up?'' someone yelled at Finn over the music.

I leaned forward to see where the voice came from

It was a tall Rastafarian kid with a mass of dreads reaching his waist,

Finn lifted his head in acknowledgement.

Finn was popular around here, like he was everywhere else

We circled around a few times before Finn pulled up in a spot, where a few kids from our school were standing at

Finn got out, and a lot of kids came up to him, I exited from the other side, when I really noticed the car for the first time.

I mean, I obviously noticed it when he picked me up, but I really looked at it only know.

It looked like some sort of muscle car, A mustang; all sleek black, with neon green outlines and white stripes, down the front of the car

For a second, I wondered where he got the car, but I didn't care enough to lose my shit over it

When stepping out, a lot of girl's gazes landed on me

I heard mutters

''Who the fuck is that'' one girl pointed a sharp accusing acrylic- nail -finger in my direction, not trying to hide her dislike for me

''Some nobody, Tia'' the other girl said.

Because the music blared so loud both girls had to shout over the music, not really knowing how loud their shouting actually was

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