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The next couple of days I ate lunch in the library, for one sole reason: I was too humiliated and broken to sit in the cafeteria, after the incident at Rachel's party.

After that party I ran in the direction of home, and, ran until I couldn't breathe, then I requested an uber

Amanda had done the worst thing she could've done to me

I realised how depressing school actually was when you didn't have any friends/friend

I sat right at the back, by the little reading table near the church style window, and ate my lunch.

I usually pulled a book from the nearest shelf and sat with it, in case someone spotted me and figured that I was having lunch in the library like a literal looser

The library wasn't a very loud place so it was easy for me to put my lunch away and pretend like I had been reading the whole time whenever I heard someone heading in my direction, Which was exactly what I did before I came face to face with call-me-Collin

''Fancy seeing you here'' he said in way of greeting

''I could say the same for you'' I said hating myself at how harsh that sounded.

In that specific moment, I hadn't cared, I had been so angry at the entire world, even my self

Mostly angry at Amanda, but taking it out on everyone else, because I didn't know how else to take it out on Amanda without sinking to her level

I don't know if call-me-Collin knew this, but he didn't seem to take offence to my blatant rudeness

''What you reading?''

I shrugged nonchalantly

I had no idea what book it was

I just wanted him to leave me alone

Call-me-Collin didn't budge

''Well if you like reading and coming to the library in your breaks you should join the book club''

I nodded, pretending to be interested willing him with my mind to disappear, he didn't

''My sister Rue loves it, you should ask her about it'' He carried on

And then as if this were a movie, and this was rehearsed Rue came up to him

''Hi'' she said to me

I gave her a small smile

''What's up?'' she asked Call-me-Collin

''I don't know mom said we should come home, mom phoned Mr Riddell already, Mr Riddell said we should get our things together, because she'll be here before the bell rings''

Rue nodded her head worriedly

''Do you maybe know what it is?'' she asked

''No idea'' call-me-Collin said shuffling his feet nervously

I pretended to not notice them or listen, but it was kind of hard when they were right in front of me, all I could do was hope and pray that they left me be

That's when Rue seemed to notice who I was for the 1st time

''Emily?" Rue basically blurted

I huffed out a breath unintentionally

''Oh, sorry'' Rue exclaimed taking my reaction as a sign of annoyance at her loudness, which wasn't unnecessarily untrue

Rue moved a little closer to where I was sitting

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