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It was no secret anymore who Finn was regularly picking up from school; it was also no secret that Finn was like some type of an unwanted attention magnet

I had never agreed to the whole 'fetch me from school' thing, but I had neither protested against it, which would seem like I had no problem with it

I didn't, I just wasn't always necessarily happy about being stared at for a little bit more than i already was.

I think part of the reason why Finn still did this, was because he knew it all too well.

I slipped in the rover as fast as I could, rolling up the window so fast, it felt like my biceps were getting a full workout, while I sank deeper into the seat, seeking solace in the privacy of the rovers tinted windows.

Seeing me in this much pain, seemed to amuse Finn every time.

''Drive, you asshole'' I ordered, shooting him a look

He smiled, and started the engine, a cigarette resting between his index finger and his middle finger.

Off from school grounds, Finn offered me a drag

''Nah, I'm hungry'' I stated, declining the cigarette half-heartedly

''You want to get something to eat?'' he asked concerned

I pulled the seatbelt across my torso

''Yeah that'd be great, I'm starving''

I was starving, my stomach had been growling since third period, due to the fact that I forgot my lunch at home, even Shelly who sat next to me in science class had heard, and had given me a chocolate bar

Probably because she was tired of hearing dying whale sounds, for an uncomfortably lengthy amount of time

ooh I forgot about that bar

''Where do you want to go to?'' Finn asked, rolling down his window

''Where are you taking me?'' I inquired smartly

He smirked, and put his other hand that was not holding the cigarette on my thigh; this seemed like a constant reflex of his, a reflex I always having to handle by putting his hand back on the gear.

I pulled out the almost forgotten chocolate bar from my bag, and ripped it open, feeling Finns eyes on me

I ignored it, I was hungry and no way was I going to share my chocolate, and Finn would completely devour it, without even saving me a piece.

I took the tiniest bite, watching Finn in the corner of my eye.

Swallowing, I felt the slightest bit bad


He was probably going to buy me a whole meal, just give him a piece

I held out the chocolate to him ''you want a bite"

Finn looked at me amused. But said nothing as he killed his cigarette and threw it in the cars ash tray, as the rover came to a stop.

I peered over the dash to see where we had arrived, so that I could start planning my order already

We were in a parking lot of some sort, I wasn't really sure where it was located, what I did notice was that it wasn't a parking lot of any fast food place

still holding the chocolate bar in my hand waiting for him to take it, which he hadn't, I took it as a sign of him not wanting, and began retrieving my hand in the direction that led directly into my mouth.

Finn grabbed my wrist and held it firmly

Mouth froze open; I closed it slowly, swallowing the last bit of chocolate in my mouth

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