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Everything was in motion for Thanksgiving, it was like a play had just been conducted, dad was back in the house, mom and dad had everything figured out except for sleeping in the same room

And for our silence Matt and I were spoilt immensely

I was also forced to spend time with mom, shopping and helping out at home, that type of thing, which meant I hadn't seen Finn since the night of the party

I still went to work, I needed some time away from home, but majority of my free time was spent at home

Finn had texted and called a few times, mostly because I didn't think I owed him that, and because I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to say to him.

Truthfully I was afraid the whole 'losing my virginity' thing, would change things between us, which is exactly what I didn't want, so I didn't answer

Until he called around on Saturday

I was in the car with mom, driving back from a Target spree

I still wasn't ready to pick up; I figured I'd see him around soon enough

Mom heard the vibration in my pocket

Because mom and I had been sitting in the car for minutes in silence, the vibration was loud

''Is that mine or yours?'' she asked, her eyes never leaving the road

I felt it of course

''Mine'' I muttered

The vibrating stopped, only to begin again

''Are you going to get that?'' she asked somewhat annoyed

Which annoyed me because it wasn't that big of a deal, why did a phone vibrating annoy her so much?

I shot her a look, she didn't notice

I picked up

''Where are you?'' it was Finn he sounded distressed

Well, I was distressed as well, and his tone was only increasing it


''Who is it?'' Mom asked

I shot her another look; it wasn't really any of her business

But she didn't notice

I held the phone closer to my ear, paranoid that she could hear it was a male voice

''A friend'' I said to her

Finn cleared his throat on the other end of the line

''Well I'm outside'' he stated

I was confused, and alarmed at the same time

''Outside? Outside where? -''

He had begun to say something, but I didn't let him finish

''Outside my house?'' I exclaimed

''Yeah'' he said confirming my doubts

''Why'' I asked nearly jumping out of my seat, mom looked at me, a frown visible on her forehead

''You weren't answering my messages'' Finn said as if this were a perfectly normal explanation for dropping by someone's house

I couldn't help myself; I wasn't ready for mom or anyone to know about Finn, it just didn't seem fair that he decided to just jump the gun

I wanted him to leave, I wanted him to leave now, and suddenly I wanted this god forsaken drive with my mother to carry on till then end of time

''Playing the clingy boyfriend does not suit you'' I retorted

The imperfection we called our love | ✔Where stories live. Discover now