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To say I was surprised was a huge understatement, I was so shocked, that I considered the possibility of me hallucinating

Finn Windell was calling

Maybe it was a prank call?

I wiped my hands off my apron, gesturing to Sheri that I was stepping out, then walked out the back door, pressing my back against the door, I picked up

I didn't say anything, afraid it might be a trick or something

I heard a sigh


Despite myself, I smiled

It was Finn, I never thought I'd hear the day he'd actually call,- he just didn't seem the type

''Hi'' I answered, my voice sounding oddly small

''Where are you?'' his question cut through the awkwardness, - all direct and strong.

I didn't want to seem too hopeful, so I counted five breaths before responding


''What time you get off''


''Cool, see you then''

The line went dead, and I was left staring at the parking space, I didn't know what to make of his call,- but he wanted to see me, and I took that as a good sign.

There had been a slight change in me for the past week, a change that I never expected to happen, deep down I knew it was about Finn, even though I told myself it wasn't.

For the next few hours that passed, as I made cappuccinos, espressos, Frappuccino's, moccachino's, pumpkin spiced latte's, chai lattes, and the works, I found myself thinking about what Finn could possibly want to see me for.

And maybe it was the fact that Amanda had been talking a lot about love, and Kevin, - maybe it was the fact that the machines at the cafe was sending to much steam to my brain, fogging my judgement. But it felt as though for once in a long time I had a new renowned hope.


Work ended, and when I walked out back I saw his car, I didn't say anything, I just slipped in his car, and we pulled out before the next person could spot us.


Throughout the drive I looked at him unsure of where we stood at. Technically he hadn't forgiven me, and he hadn't seemed too keen on it either a while back, which left me in a state of doubt and regret.

But despite my concerns, he never offered any explanation.

Nearing a high-way, Finn sighed,- probably deciding it was a long drive

''Were cool'' He stated.

Although small, and meaningless to Finn, it was enough to turn my whole life upside down

For the rest of the drive I smiled, and for the rest of the drive he didn't say a word

It was a long drive.


We pulled up at a place I never thought I'd see myself going to, but I said nothing just followed Finn in pursuit.

There was security check and all that, and when Finn emptied his pockets into the tray I was surprised to see that Finn didn't have a stash on him

We weren't here on business then.

The imperfection we called our love | ✔Where stories live. Discover now