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Running was the only thing I was good at. - well that and being a lazy anti-social fuck up.

Running away from problems, people, emotions, feelings, the truth, opinions, being responsible, - even insecurities. Because running meant moving away from the thing you were supposed to be facing.
A synonym for running away (according to Google) is; avoiding.

I didn't avoid, I simply walked in the other direction of the thing I wasn't quite ready to face yet.

Okay maybe I was avoiding.

There was one thing I didn't necessarily run away from, instead I ran for: which was; the track team.

And I loved it.

My head was always in the game, my footfall and the beating of my heart beat in unison like drums.

I liked the feeling of the wind against my face, or when my feet went to fast and it felt as though I would fall if I stopped.

When I ran it was like I was flying, I saw everything happening around me and not to me

But most of all when I ran I was the person I liked being.

I was one of the fastest on the track team, coach said I could do better if I put in more effort, time and dedication, - that I might even get a scholarship to university.

But I didn't want that, I didn't want a scholarship, I didn't want to do races, I didn't want to have to run. I wanted to run because I liked doing it, not because it was my job or my free ride to university.

I only had practise on Friday, entirely for the reason that during the week, there were a lot more people attending practise than on a Friday, as it wasn't just track practice, - everything that could possibly be practised was practised every day at the same time after school.

I didn't know why exactly. But almost no one attended on a Friday,

Not that I minded.

Coming to a stop to re-freshen myself, my eyes sought out Amanda's,
then landed on the blonde girl with the brightest neon green tube top I've ever seen, sitting on the bleachers, checking her reflection in a tiny compact mirror.

Amanda hated these things, even when I ran races she tried to avoid this as best as possible.

But these last few days Amanda had been stuck to my side like a third nipple. -After our chat in the bathroom precisely. I suspected it was because she was afraid of missing out on whatever was happening in my life

Which as hardly anything, but Amanda didn't seem to share my beliefs on this matter.

It was suffocating

Even when I went to the restroom, I'd come out to see her washing her hands, or fixing her reflection in the mirrors.

Even right now; she was sitting in the hot sun, at the very top row, sweating her ass off, - I assumed, judging by how she occasionally wiped at her forehead.

As if on cue Amanda caught me staring at her, and quit frowning at the sun and plastered a jolly smile on her face

I gave her a wave acknowledging her.

I also suspected the reason why she was so persistent on spending as much time with me because she was afraid of missing out on anything.

And by anything I meant - Finn.

I really didn't know what she was expecting, - a miracle maybe? Finn to just drop out of the sky.

And I for sure was not going back there, I was sick of being the apple of everyone's eye.
It did nothing but fuel my anxiety

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