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In a household When there is usually more than one sibling, the children usually fall in designated categories, like the; golden child, who is exactly what mommy and daddy wanted. Or the average child, the very basic kid, everything about them is just mundane and dull, - Or the mommy's boy, - Or even, the hard worker, always over achieving pushing himself to the maximum, - to summarize there was basically quite a few stereotypes.

Then there was the kids, that just no matter what they do, or what they say, they'd always be an outcast. Aka: the black sheep

Finn was your classic black sheep in the Windell family. Not even in just looks, but in every way possible, even so that Finn's father Greg took it upon himself to declare Finn a toxic waste of oxygen

But like a criminal who had been arrested, or a kid who was expelled, or even a black sheep disowned by his own birth parents. - There was always some sort of tearjerker back story that explained why the person was the way they were

Finn was a smart kid to begin with, smart as in; that by the time he came of age to begin school, That a well-known boarding school for boys only, known as Hesterfelden, the school best in academics, sports and improving personal status, wanted Finn and guaranteed him a full scholarship up till he graduated.

Finn was there for approximately five years or more, with no connection or interaction with his family or the outside world.

In that period of time, he studied hard, hardly played or participated in anything else that wouldn't help or improve his reports, and was extremely dedicated to getting out of there.


Because he hated the school to his guts, Finn thought that if he worked hard enough, he would graduate early, and be gone with the school. It wasn't entirely impossible.

Then moving onto physically and appearance wise, Finn was a very scrawny kid, tall, lanky, and very shy, he spoke very little and spent most of his time behind a book, or in his room.

But of course all this studying had to have benefited him somehow.

And in time it did. Finn excelled in everything, and did most of his grades in five months while other kids did it in twelve. He got a lot of recognition and praise, and it was only natural that the other kids got quite jealous, jealousy lead to many things, including being beaten and tormented every day for the rest of your school life. They stole his money that his father sent him every month that he usually saved, they cut holes in his clothes that he left in the laundry room, and made sure every moment he spent at Hesterfelden was pure living hell.

As anyone would, Finn eventually got sick of it, and got so angry, that he snapped.

And all hell broke loose.

It started when he threatened a boy with a knife to his throat, drawing just a trickle of blood, just enough that the boy had shat himself.

The boy that the deed had been done upon was one of the main kids who took pleasure in making Finn's life as shitty as it could get, and after that incident that went down, Finn was left alone completely

That was until the kid Finn had scarred decided to rat him out, and just like that Finn was expelled and out of that school in less than six hours.

The thing about being expelled from good schools, was that it affected the schools you were to go to afterwards, almost like you had a criminal record and you were trying get employed.

You were tainted, like blacklisted. Worst part was if you enrolled at a new school and the school you were enrolling at found out; they'd ask why you were expelled? Even if you were practically in the school, if the why wasn't what they wanted to hear, you could forget it

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