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''You don't have to do this you know'' I said as Finn smoothed down another bandage on my back, his hands were nimble and fast, and very cold to the touch.

I sat there, biting the inside of my lip, every time I had a strong urge to wince out of pain.

I also didn't know why I had agreed to this

''Do you know it might be infected'' he stated, his voice muffled, by the tape that he held in his mouth

I shrugged

He tore of another piece of tape with his teeth, sticking it over the bandage so that it would stay in place.

I sat so still that I could feel my pulse humming in my ears, I was focusing all my energy; on sucking in my tummy, and keeping my arms on the sides of my body, to make my body seem somewhat slimmer.

I sat there wondering what I looked like from the back, maybe he would think I was fat or something, it's not that I cared that much of what he thought, it was just that my insecurities need for making sure I criticized everything was over bearing

''What happened?'' he asked his voice barely an audible whisper.

I sighed

I really didn't like questions, especially repetitive ones

''I fell in a pile of glass'' I replied, technically, not lying

I didn't like repetitive questions, because if i hadn't answered it the first time that clearly meant that i didn't want to answer it at all

''You just fell in a pile of glass?'' he asked questioningly

I was not in the mood to emphasize my answers

''Yeah'' I said brushing him off

He didn't ask further, me glad that he finally got the hint

''Why didn't you go to the doctor then? Get it stitched up, it looks pretty deep''

I flinched

''I don't like doctors''

He smirked, he probably didn't believe me, but I didn't care much of what he thought.

''Things heal the same without stitches'' I added simply

''untrue'' Finn stated

He pulled my t-shirt down

I heaved out the breath I had been holding, and released the stomach muscle which had begun to stiffen

''Thanks'' I said glancing over my shoulder at him, a bit more comfortable now that my shirt was down

He didn't say anything, which I was grateful for

I lay my head back down on the bed once more, trying to think of what I was going to do

How was I going to get home? It's not like I had a car, or parents, - let alone a parent willing enough to fetch me. And I couldn't exactly ask Finn we weren't formally what you called on 'friend' terms

''You wanted a night to forget?'' his voice was sudden, and biting in the silence which had folded around us

''Huh'' I asked after a while, I had zoned out, and had only picked up on syllables of what Finn had just said

''Last night '' he interjected

I sewed his sentences together

''Yeah, kind of'' I said my voice scarcely present

''I thought you just wanted to get off easy''

I just nodded because I wasn't used to these drug or 'druggie' references, and I had no idea what that meant, but I was too proud to admit that

The imperfection we called our love | ✔Where stories live. Discover now