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It was now the second time in three months, that I had woken up in the Windell household unintentionally once again.

My first thought when I woke up was; shit

As the sun was out and a few rays had gotten into my face, which meant that the sun was bright and beating, and I was late for school


But then I remembered that yesterday was Friday, - so I rested my head again on the soft pillow, weekend reassured, I could get more sleep, until an unfamiliar smell hit my nose, and I shot up out of bed, as fast as it had taken me to close my eyes again, the bed I now arose from, which wasn't mine to begin with, I had a splitting headache, so I decided better than to stand up - instead I threw my head back down on the pillow

''Jesus Christ'' I massaged my head with my thumb and index finger.

I felt the bed move, but my head was paining too much for me to be tempted to even look who it was.

My hand was peeled from my face and aspirin was placed in the centre of my palm

''Take it'' a deep voice came

I mumbled my thanks and sat up on the bed

Finn came into view, wearing boxers and no shirt; I accepted the glass of water from him, while he pulled on a t-shirt

I watched him take out a cigarette and light it.

''How are you okay?'' I managed to grumble out; we had after all taken the same thing, why was I feeling like an absolute shit alone?

''Done it before '' he said smirking

''It's normal'' Finn then added, as if to reassure me

''Well no one sent me the memo where I was going to wake up with my head feeling like a bitch'' I said groaning

''Oh, the memo was sent, you were just too eager for it last night'' he said lying down on the bed, facing me, leaning all his weight on his right elbow

I almost blushed

I drank up the water, and rested my head again, while I patiently waited for my mind to fully programme again and bring the rest of my body parts to their senses, and get me out of Finn's bed, in my shoes and out the door, unfortunately for me, that never happened.

I actually didn't care enough to think about going home, I didn't care if I looked a mess and I definitely Didn't care that I was laying in his bed, I didn't know if that was my mind talking, or my conscious trying to convince me otherwise

I got up anyway

What was I thinking? I mean last night?

''Shit'' the tear in my back was brutal, a pain shot up my spine

And then I remembered exactly why

Finn looked at me, surprised at my sudden outburst

The past week, I had asked Matt whenever he could to wrap my back and put clean gauze and ointment on it, but then he started getting on my nerves when he looked like he felt sorry for me, that's when I blew him off, and told him I was fine. - Plus I had stayed home all week in my room, where I could go without a top because I was in the sanctuary of my room.

Yesterday had actually been the first day I wore a t - shirt for the entire day.

And the second I got up from that bed, the regret seeped in

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