*Thirty Nine*

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Thanksgiving sucked

No one was addressing the elephant in the room, and I'm sure everyone felt its presence

Pop even asked me if I was doing fine- that was him basically telling you that he knew something wasn't right, he just wanted to hear it from you

I said it was all good.

Throughout dinner mom was sucking up to dad, laughing at all his jokes

To be that shallow, made me mad

Pretending we were one big fucking happy family made me even madder

Mom told dad I had a friend, I evaded all questions concerning Finn directed at me, I was kind of mad at mom solely because she had been treated so poorly by dad and yet she was sucking up to him

I knew she wasn't exactly right, but neither was dad, and overall whatever mom did didn't give dad a reason to treat her the way he had

I sat silent through the duration of dinner, when dad kissed mom that was the end of my tether

I couldn't any longer, I excused myself

The rest of the night I holed myself up in my room, smoked just enough to have me buzzed but not quite high

I thought of thanksgiving, and how this was an occasion to be thankful, this might be the shittiest thing to say

But with everything bad going on, it almost seemed like I had nothing to be thankful for.

Around one in the morning due to no sleep I went to go sit on the balcony deciding to light another joint

When I saw it

I squinted, not sure if my eyes were fooling me

There on the front lawn lie a body

I got up so fast and ran to the front door, grabbing the wireless phone off the hook, preparing myself mentally to dial 911

I opened the front door slowly, walking towards the body

The body stirred

I yelped,

Okay not dead, that's a good sign right?

Heart racing now, I saw a light shining in the distance,

I squinted in the direction; someone had seemed to have left their headlights on

I walked towards the car and recognised it almost instantly

It was Finn's, but Finn was nowhere to be seen.

Oh no

This caused me to look back at the body lying on my front lawn

Of course it was him

I turned off the lights of the rover and locked the car doors, then made my way over to Finn

I shook him gently; he stirred but no major movement

''Finn- '' I started, then stopped, it was pointless

I didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know Finn was drunk, again

I looked around I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but there surely wasn't a solution for the problem at hand, I had no idea what to do

I sighed

It was late, I had no other choice, and sneaking Finn into the house seemed like the best and worst option

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