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It was quite late, and I was still at Dave's party. Sitting on the edge of a big rock near to the lake, feet dangling below, when my mother decided to call saying that she was out, and I needed to catch a ride with someone else. Quite frankly it was just like my mother to do something like that.

fortunately for me, by then Amanda's mom had fetched her already, and Mrs Bryn had offered me a ride in good nature, but I had kindly declined, as I thought my mother would throw a fit, when I supposedly did; 'whatever the fuck I wanted' - and not consider other people, by leaving with her, if my mom was on her way to fetch me

I sighed, and pulled my jacket tighter around my body. Unfortunately this behaviour of my mother was no new discovery, she always did it. It was just more intense every time my father was out of town.

I pulled out my phone and called home.

Matt, my brother, picked up on the third ring, his voice slightly anxious

''Mom?'' Hope so evident in his voice it broke my heart


''Oh, - uh, hi Em ... where are you? Is mom with you?'' the words came tumbling out

''No, I was calling to hear if she is home?''

''Nope, I haven't seen her since this morning'' he sounded bored already

''What are you doing now?'' I asked, trying to start conversation feeling kind of guilty I didn't stay in, and at least keep Matt Company, when i had kind of predicted this, but i had still selfishly decided to go out.

''Nothing really, just watching T.V, it's very quiet here'' he mumbled in response

''Well, mom said she can't fetch me, and Mandy left, so I officially have no ride'' I breathed out into the receiver

He seemed to go over the words once more, probably not getting what I was saying

''sooooo ... are you not coming home?'' His voice was uneven, panic lacing it. I could imagine how he felt; he was alone at home, frightened and unsure. And Matt wasn't the type that could exactly stay home alone.

''I don't know Matt, lots of kids are gone, and I don't know anyone else''

''Just ask them, ask them nicely Em'' he pleaded

''Matt, I don't speak to those kids, I can't exactly go to some rando, and ask for a ride''

''But they not rando's isn't it your friend's house'' he remarked smartly

I smiled; before I had left I told Matt I'd be going to a friend's house

''That's not how it works'' I sighed hanging my head low

I started to the weigh odds, and they didn't seem to be in my favour

In fact I was actually starting to think I'd be stuck here till morning. My heart was beating in my stomach, I felt uneasy, I was at a house party, with kids I didn't know, from seniors, to kids who didn't even attend our school.

''Em, you still there?''

''Uh, yeah, - '' sorry, uhm.. I'm here yeah''

''Are you coming home anytime soon?''

Pushy kid

''I honestly don't know'' I muttered under my breath

Matt let out a long yawn

He should go to bed, but he was probably restless

''Have you eaten supper?'' I asked suddenly worried. For if my mother hadn't been at home that meant that he probably hadn't eaten yet.

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