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I have many of flaws, and bad traits, but I would have to say the worst one is; where I tend to do things on pure impulse, and then majorly regret it afterwards, till it grows into something bigger than regret or guilt, and rests itself neatly into my conscious, constantly reminding me of the mistakes I found myself regularly making.

The first mistake I made this year: was to go with my best friend Amanda, to one of Dave Windel's parties.

Then to follow up that mistake, by going the next week and the next

Amanda and I were sitting on the front porch, my legs pulled up to my chin, as we watched the sophomores dive into the lake ahead of us, flinging themselves into the water effortlessly one by one.

Amanda took a long drag from the cigarette she was holding in between her index finger and thumb, and then swiftly offering it to me,

''I'm good'' I said brushing her off

You know how people go to high school, and make new choices, bad decisions and pick up bad habits, even though you truly don't know the person like that. Amanda was one of those people who picked up smoking. I didn't know the actual reason why? She just did.

She rose to her feet, wiping her hands of her back jeans pockets.

''I'm going to get a drink, you want one?''

''Yeah sure'' I said

Amanda nodded her head at my half-hearted response, and was gone again before I could change my mind.

Every time I came here, to these parties, I regretted it more than the one before, but for some absurd reason, I found myself every Friday putting on the first item of clothing my hand made contact with and asking my mother to drive Amanda and I, down to Troyer street.

Dave's parties, were invented a while back, it wasn't a big hit at first, but people started pitching up, after they heard it was Dave's private cabin, and not his parents' house, and that there was free drinks every time, even though Dave was a freshman and couldn't legally buy drinks.

Money could buy lots of things, including his family Gardner; Mr Castillo to buy two shopping carts filled with your favourite alcohol every week.

Apparently the cabin was as old as Dave's Great, Great grand - uncle, who gave Mr Windel the cabin when he passed on, where Mr Windel would coincidently forget about the cabin, and Dave would claim it as rightfully his.

When you hear the word: party, or high school party immediately the worst comes to mind. But Dave's parties were different, it was nothing like your typical party, it was more like a hangout, or sanctuary, a place where the nerds got to get high, and the young high school lovers with strict parents go to hook up, a place where you could do absolutely anything, and not get busted by the cops, as it was private property and the nearest neighbour was about at least 30 kilometres away.

Amanda returned holding two identical red cups, and shoving one under my nose. I glanced up at her, noticing she was now wearing a bikini.

I took the cup from her, but raised my eyebrows in question at her sudden change of clothing.

She merely brushed me off, and stubbed out her cigarette on the ground.

''c'mon'' she insisted, trying to haul me up to my feet

''Where to?'' I asked yelping as Amanda yanked me up so violently that I nearly fell face first into the ground

She didn't answer; instead she started tugging at my arm impatiently

I stood my ground

''Don't be such a bore, we going swimming of course '' Amanda said, tugging more ferociously

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