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Everything was going so fast, until it wasn't anymore

We passed the finishing point

It hit a moment later, when the second car screeched to a stop, that we had won

I looked to Finn, surprise evident on my expression. Finn nodded, confirming my unasked question


The night exploded all around us, Finn slipped out of his side, enveloped by whoever had bet on him

I clambered out my side very much ungraceful, a smile plastered on my face

Victory was contagious.

I spotted Sebastian in the distance, nodding his congratulations, I saluted him, and he winked just before climbing into his car and driving away.

After Finn was handed his winnings, and all the other racers left, not even staying a second later, they just sped away, angry or whatever.

Everyone was happy, - mostly the people who bet on Finn that night


Soon after, we headed to a diner with a few other kids.

I decided to sit alone, this wasn't my scene.

Finn didn't agree with this clearly.

He slid into the booth after me, coming so close that our thighs brushed, sliding his arm around my shoulder

I flinched, but I left it there.

Everyone was happy and laughing, and I know I was being the sad – angst-y kid at the party, that put everyone down. But I couldn't help it; it just felt like it wasn't right to be happy, with everything else going on.

My mom once told me that teenagers make everything about themselves, and the smallest inconvenience was like; life and Death for them. This was one of those times.

I guess I was being an ass

But I didn't really care

I ordered a beer. The waitress didn't ask for ID.

Even if she had, I was prepared; I had a fake ID that Amanda had provided me with a few weeks ago, no questions asked surprisingly, thoughts of Kevin seemed to be all her mind was filled with recently.

The waitress was female, and like all females around Finn she was like a moth drawn to a flame. She was constantly ogling Finn with the look that I guessed; Finn had charmed her, probably had sex with her, and hadn't called her back after that

I slipped out from underneath the arm that was draped around my shoulder.

Our stuff came soon after; I opened the beer, not really caring about the food any more

I got a questioning glance from Finn

I shrugged it off, and ordered a few more drinks

This time the waitress did ask for some identification, I took out the ID with my photo, the name: Ava Yvonne Fischer in the place where: Emily Rose Harrison should've been

She nodded.

Truthfully I had been afraid that she might not believe it. It was after all the first time I used it.

I tried to make it not look that obvious letting out a relieved breath when she returned the ID.

I probably didn't succeed, because before I could take it back, Finn was already reaching for it.

He slipped the ID, reading it with a smirk, it infuriated me, I wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face

Finn flipped it back to me, and I stuffed it in my pocket, lifting myself to manoeuvre the card back into its safe place.

The imperfection we called our love | ✔Where stories live. Discover now