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We didn't speak, I guess it was technically my fault, - but things were haywire at home in preparation of Thanksgiving, so much so, that making things right with Finn seemed to have slipped my mind.

Until one night, he pulled up, and honked.

Fucking honked

If I might add: like a lunatic

Not like a tap on the hooter, like normal folk do

More like a slam your palm against the hooter and keep it there until all the neighbours wake

At first I didn't know it was Finn, I thought it was some dick neighbour

Until mom pointed it out by asking who was honking

I shrugged

Well it definitely wasn't for me

Until I looked outside the window

I ran out of the house, not caring that I had a pair of leggings, a sweatshirt and ugs on.

All that I cared about in that moment was putting an end to the honking, I had also noticed a lot of our neighbours had begun coming out of their homes to see what the ruckus was

Could this get any worse?

Nearing the car, Finn opened the door for me

Yes, such a gentleman

I clambered in, and muttered some sort of greeting

Only then did he remove his hand from the hooter,

I expected an answer to why he was honking outside my house at nearly ten, I expected him to say something in the least

Finn said nothing, he just drove.

It was times like this where I felt like screaming at him to just talk.

But not tonight, I still felt bad for how poorly I had treated him the last time.

So I said nothing, even if the silence was deafening, unnerving even

Well this was my tactic, but I couldn't, I could practically feel the words forcing their way out of my mouth

''I'm sorry, about last - ''

''Its fine'' Finn added sharply

''No, it's not; it's just that lately -''

''Emily, its fine, no big deal'' he said, clearly intent on cutting me off at every sentence

I wasn't giving up

''I just want you to know why'' I said, my voice barely audible

He turned to me, his eyes met mine with such intensity that I turned away

''Don't tell me now, to try and make yourself feel better about whatever you think you supposedly 'did' to me, I honestly couldn't give a fuck, you could've just told me, if you'd trusted me enough''

Those words were like a slap in the face; my heart had begun to race

I sat abnormally still, trying to calm my heartbeat

Finn said he didn't care, but I'd be an idiot if I hadn't picked up, that he did care and he was hurt about it

But, because being a wimp overrides many of the things I do nowadays, I sat silent the rest of the car ride.

The jeep eventually came to an abrupt halt, and I nearly flew through the windscreen

Should have put the damn seatbelt on

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