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I woke up grungy, a pain slicing through the back of my neck, due to me sleeping in a not so flattering position, the night before coming back to me in flashes.

I was now lying on the couch in Dave's living room. I sighed and threw my head back on the armrest.

What did I do to get myself in this situation?

Oh I know, just being stupid me.

A crazy thought ran through my head

And my hand shot down to the part between my legs on pure impulse

It felt the same, I mean like it was supposed to pain, if it had happened right?

Well it didn't feel like it happened

What did I know?

I took an uneasy breath, not really remembering that much of the night

Staggering to my feet I tripped over a few cups lying on the ground

Dave came into the kitchen

He looked more displeased than entirely necessary to see me; even though he didn't even know me

''Parties over, out you go'' he snapped, grabbing my arm quite tightly and ushered me out the house

It was at that moment that reality came down to it

What was I doing here?

And how did I get stuck here

Cecily came into view as I stepped out the house

''Emily?'' her voice sounded surprised

Dave stopped and removed his hand that was gripping my arm - ever so tightly

''Your friend?'' he asked shooting another displeasing look at me

''Yeah'' she said and linked her free arm that was not holding a cigarette into mine

''Well, parties over'' Dave grunted and walked back into the house

Cecily saw my face and the unease written clearly all over it

''He is not a morning person'' she whispered and gave me such a bright smile, that not smiling back would've seemed like an offense

She walked down the porch, and I followed in pursuit

''I thought you went home, you pretty much disappeared last.... did you stay the night?'' she asked suddenly alarmed

''Uh yeah, I guess I did''

''Wait, hold up, did F - ''

She didn't have to finish her sentence, for I already knew, her faith in her brother causing me to laugh.

How low to think of your brother, although he had come across as the 'no good type'.

''I honestly don't remember much of what happened last night''

She nodded and seemed to smile sadly

''The punch'' she stated

Dave walked out the house jogging to his Porsche parked outside, he got in and saluted Cecily pulling out the parking space like a nut case, kicking up dirt as his wheels turned

I pulled out my phone, pressing the home button, my battery was dead


I ran up the steps into the house in search of a clock or something to tell me the time

I found a clock in the kitchen


It was late; I needed to get to school

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