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I didn't tell Finn as you could probably tell about the party, because I wasn't planning on going, but it turned out I didn't need to because Amanda was quite efficient and by that I mean she had told him herself, apparently she had bumped into him at practice, - Amanda didn't even practice any school related thing, which is why you can see why there is a problem with this story, Finn on the other hand went to the school in practice hours to sell because no one wanted more dope than high school kids, and they were willing to pay

Finn had told me once that high school kids were also easy to gull because they didn't know the price of different types of drugs, so they had no idea they were being ripped off

I hadn't seen or heard this exchange that had gone on between Amanda and Finn; I don't think I would've known had Finn not informed me of Amanda's ventures

We were currently at the café I was on my break Finn was smoking something when he broke this news to me

''You want me to come pick you up?'' He asked completely throwing me off guard

''When?'' I asked not exactly sure for what he was coming to pick me up for

''Saturday night?'' He asked looking at me as if this were general knowledge like I had just asked him how many days in the week there were

''For what?'' I asked still confused as to what he was picking me up for

''Your friend's party –'' he looked to me expectantly like I was supposed to finish

I frowned I hadn't told him of a party, neither did I talk to him about my friends, mainly because I didn't have any and Amanda was the only sort of friend he had met

''Which friend?'' I asked anyway

''Your friend, I met het her at school'' he prodded

Oh I knew exactly who he was talking about

I pretended to not be hurt about this, -he wanted to go to Amanda's party I wanted to know how he knew

I think he sensed this

''You can go, if you'd like'' I added ''I'm not going''

I predicted that he had indeed picked up on my foul mood for he informed me that he would not be going

I didn't want to admit that this brought me immense joy

Maybe it was my jealousy speaking out of turn, but I was too proud to admit this

Looking back at this Finn and I resolved things better then, but like I said this was the peak of our relationship

Later on was not that smooth sailing, for our relationship had only blossomed after this and so did Finn's needs

Until he became unbearable always seeking lots of affection and approval it was tiring and draining, I blamed myself for our downward spiral

Everything he was doing became so annoying, and it resulted in me being aggravated a lot

It seemed as if though I wanted things to end, but Finn was fighting way too hard for this

For me

For us

The imperfection we called our love | ✔Where stories live. Discover now