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Later that day we climbed into his rover, when the sun had just begun setting. After spending a whole day holed up in Finn's room, smoking cheap cigarettes, getting high and almost drunk

We tore out of the driveway like drunken folk, the windows rolled all the way down, while the wind billowed in my hair, whipping my hair all around my face, so harsh, that some got in my mouth and burned my eyes. Finn's smoke also making the car very stuffy

We pulled up at the local conventional store. Finn went straight to the counter and asked for some brand of cigarettes, and a few lighters, because one clearly wasn't enough for him

He slapped a few notes on the table, and we were out of there in four

After that pretty much drove for what seemed like ages, and when the sun disappeared from the sky, we found a park bench to loiter till night arrived.

Finn hopped on the hood of the jeep, lying back against the windshield, crossing his ankles, gesturing for me to do the same thing

I shook my head firmly

He was crazy

Finn ignored me and pulled me by my wrist on to the hood and lifted me up to sit next to him, I was laughing too hard to protest

''Stop'' I said shrieking in delight

When he finally let go of me, I collapsed into his lap, I didn't move, instead I rested my head on his knee as the bright moon beat down on us

The night was beautiful, cool and flawless

''What's your last name Em'' Finn suddenly asked, his voice barely audible to my ears

I turned to look at him, forehead creasing as the frown took over my eyebrows and eyes

It was a weird thing for him to want to know

But it was just a name

''Harrison'' I said shrugging into his knee

He nodded

''And your middle name?'' He asked. Clearly asking questions was a hobby of his

I was too serene and at peace, to be annoyed, so I just answered his question


He stayed silent, and I prayed he wasn't thinking of a new question to ask me

''Emily Rose Harrison'' Finn said my whole name, as if testing it on his tongue, his tone a bit louder than our previous hushed tones

Because of the switch of volume, I had gotten a slight fright

''Jesus, - '' I blurted ''say it louder the world didn't hear you'' I asserted smiling

''EMILY ROSE HARRISON!'' Finn roared on-top of his lungs

I got such a fright, I jumped and covered his mouth, laughing

The people in the main road now looked into the parking lot of the local park staring at us if we were something alien

''I hadn't realized that my hand was still covering his mouth, whilst I still laughed, torso against the insides of his legs

He licked the palm of my hand and bit down on it tugging on the tender skin gently with his teeth, I felt the tingle all the way down to my toes.

''You crazy'' I said to him, pulling my hand free

He simply winked at me.

I slid down the car's hood and pooled in the driver's seat of the car

I checked my phone which had been charging, then looked up at Finn's back, then had a bright idea loud

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