Chapter 12

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AN: Sorry I could not think of a song. But enjoy
I stand frozen outside the hospital recalling the kiss. The way her lips tasted like vanilla and how her fingers tangled in my hair. My feet are stuck in the same spot for so long that when they finally decide to move, shocks run through them. I fall back onto the bench and move my legs, centimeters at a time to keep from feeling pain. I was lost on what had just happened. She had told me that she was tired of hating me. Did that mean that she would be open to going back to how things were? Once my legs have recovered, I get up and walk to Joe's bar. I spot Miranda at the bar and sit next to her.
"Meredith kissed me." I say looking at Bailey who looks like she doesn't care.
"Addison kissed me." I say looking at Joe.
"My wife and my girlfriend kissed me on the same day." I groan as the pressure intensifies.
"Joe, do I look friendly to you?" Bailey asks.
I drink a sip of my single-malt scotch and take a breath as it burns my throat on the way down.
"Oh you are a tiny little kitchen of joy and love." Joe responds as I drink another sip.
"What?! He saved my life!" Joe defends himself.
"His first mistake. McDreamy go sit by someone who cares." She says.
I scoff and down my drink.
"Everything's gonna be fine. Addison's going to go back to New York, Meredith and I will start over. Everything's gonna be fine, right?" I ask.
"You so damn stupid." She scoffs and her eyes look away from me.
My eyes move to where she is motioning to. I catch a pair of deep green eyes across the bar. Instantly, my heart stops and I study the rest of her face. The corner of her lips curve upwards and I smile. I set down the drink and walk up to her. Izzie and George watch me as I hold a hand out for hers. I look down and smile wider. Her hand finds it's place on mine and she gets up. I hold her fingers as we silently walk to her house. As we walk, her head rests on my shoulders. I take in a deep breathe and feel grateful. Her arms hold onto to my right arm tightly as we walk. I am reminded of our first night and I smile. I stop at the front door as she pulls her head off my shoulder.
"Thank you for walking me home." She smiles.
"Of course." I say, calm as she unlocks the door.
"Meredith." I ask.
"Yeah?" She asks turning back to me.
"Thank you for giving me another chance." I says softly.
I pull her into a hug and breathe in the flowery scent. My arms pull her waist as she arms wrapped my neck. She tiptoes and her chin rests on my shoulders. Her fingers tangle in my hair as my nose brushes her neck.
"Your welcome." She says pulling away.
"Good night Mer." I smile.
"Sweet dreams. Text me when you get home. I want to know if you are safe." She says.
I nod and watch the door close. It clicks and I laugh as I step down the stairs. I walk back to the hospital and drive home, never breaking my smile. Meredith forgave me for Addison. This was all I wanted. I could tell she wasn't ready to completely trust me anymore and I understood. Baby steps was the way to go. I flopped on my bed and sighed in relief. I close my eyes and immediately feel myself drifting into sleep. I shake awake remembering my promise to Mer. I open my phone and text Meredith.

D: I'm home safe, Mer.
M: I'm glad. Thank you for not forgetting me.
D: You are unforgettable.
M: I have heard
D: You going to bed yet?
M: Not yet. You?
D: Nope.
M: FaceTime?
D: Of course.

I smile and hit the FaceTime button. She answers and I smile seeing her. I turn on the lights on and get up.
"How is Cristina?" I ask walking into the bathroom.
"She has an extra-uterine pregnancy and lost a Fallopian tube." Meredith sighs.
"That's terrible, I'll stop by sometime tomorrow." I say setting up my camera on the sink.
"How's your mother?" I ask as I pull out a razor.
"She doesn't have cancer." Mer sighs as I hold the razor to my chin.
"They give you morphine for cancer, not for Alzheimer's." I nod slowly as shave off the heavy stubble I had been ignoring.
"Yeah. How was your day?" She asks.
"I don't know. Good, bad. I have mixed emotions." I admit.
"Me too." Her voice rings as the last of my stubble falls into the sink.
"Did you eat yet?" I ask softly after I dab my face with aftershave and cold water.
"No." Her answer is soft and quick.
"Can you eat yet?" I ask as I carry the phone into my kitchen.
"No. Not yet. Maybe in the morning." She smiles.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask grabbing a chips.
"Sure," She says.
I smile as her head rest on the pillow and she watches me through the phone. I grab a DVD of Flypaper and put it in the disk reader. I prop my phone up so that she can see the whole TV. She smiles and adjusts her blanket. There was a warm sensation in my chest, even being on a call with her. We laugh and talk as we watch the movie. Soon, I stop talking realizing that she is not responding. I look at her on the phone and smile at her sleeping figure. I mute myself and turn off the TV. I grab my phone and take screenshots of her adorable sleeping face. I lay down and rest my head on the pillow before pulling up my blankets to my nose. I reach over and shut the lights. I hear very soft snoring and laugh. I watch her sleep all night until I hear her wake.
"Good morning." I smile.
"Were you watching me sleep?" She asks.
"I was. I couldn't hang up with you looking adorable." I laugh as I get out of bed.
"You are a weird person Derek." She smiles carrying her phone.
We brush as I pull on my scrubs and see her blush hard.
"Can I buy you breakfast today?" I ask as she walks out of view.
"Sure." She laughs and walks back into view with her light blue scrubs in.
"Is your hair always so perfect? I have never seen bad." She asks laughing.
"Yes, it is. I won't ever let anyone see it messy." I smile.
"I will see it one day." She says sipping coffee.
"I'll see you soon." I smile getting into my car.
She nods and hangs up as I start driving fast. I was happy. Meredith had forgiven me. I turned on the radio and started singing to the song. I could never have been happier. Getting to the hospital, I ran out of the car and saw Meredith. I ran up behind her and pulled her in for a hug. She screamed and giggled as I held her above the ground. She wrapped her hands around my neck as I set her down. I laugh as my fingers push between hers. Gently, I kiss her forehead as we walk to the coffee cart.
"2 black and 2 muffins." I smile.
The man nods and she laughs.
"You have a wife." She says holding her coffee.
"Yes." I smile.
"Your life is complicated." She responds.
"Yes." I say again softly taking a bite of my muffin.
"I don't need complicated. I have complicated all on my own." She says.
"Yes." I smile again.
"Stop saying yes." She asks.
"Try not to make any sudden movements." I laugh.
"You think this is funny." She claims.
"Addison's leaving. She doesn't have anymore patients in this hospital. There's no reason for her to be here." I smile.
"No reason?" She asks.
"None whatsoever." I say convincingly.
I reach a hand out and caress her cheek.
"Well, isn't this cozy. Can I join in? Or are you not into threesomes?" Addie asks walking behind Meredith.
I pull my fingers from her face and watch her eyes close.
"I have to go." Meredith says smiling.
"Meredith..." I ask as she walks away.
"You really are Satan. You realize that right? If Satan would take physical form he'd be you everywhere all the time." I say to Addison.
"I am so not Satan." She says.
I lean close to her and press the buttons for the elevator.
"How come you haven't gotten on your-"
As I back away, he lips connect with mine causing shocks to run down my body. I pull away hurriedly and watch her. Her face has a surprised look on it and slowly she smiles.
"You didn't feel anything?" She asks.
"Stop being an adulterous bitch." I spat at her.
I look around to see Meredith watching us. Immediately, my heart drops as she walks away.
"You know, you are going to forgive me eventually right? You can't- I mean there was a time when you thought of me as your best friend." She says walking close to me.
"There was a time when I thought of you as the love of my life." I say sadly as I watch Meredith turn around the corner.
She sighs and pulls a folder from her bag. She hands the blue folder to me and I take them curiously.
"Divorce Papers." I read the cover.
"You're lawyer said they were okay. I haven't signed them yet. The balls in your court. If you sign, I'll sign. I sign and be on the next flight out of here." She sighs.
"I'll sign them immediately. I want you out of here as soon as possible." I say as she steps in the elevator.
"Derek, have you ever thought that even if I am Satan and an adulteress bitch that I still might be the love your life?" Her lips are nearly pressed to mine but I stand my ground.
She walks into the elevator as the doors close as I think about her question.

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