Chapter 35

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(Play the song and read if you want)

She follows me into the kitchen and I stop at the fridge. Her body hits my back and I laugh. She giggles so I turn and pull her into a hug. I kiss her cheek and pull out orange juice. I pour for both of us and place the juice in the fridge again. We stand next to each other, completely clueless as to what to do now. Do we go outside or work? I turn to her and step closer while she does the same thing. Her arms wrap my torso and let out foreheads meet. Something about this moment feels different; as though we can slow ourselves finally.
"Come on," I say holding her hand.
I walk backward and sit on the edge of the couch. Her hands massage my shoulders. I hold her waist and pull her to me, knocking myself over the couch.

She lands on my chest and I grab the remote. I click on the TV and smile as a Discovery Channel turns on. She groans audibly.
"You like Discovery Channel?" She asks, pretending to be annoyed as she bangs her head against my chest.
"What's wrong with Discover Channel?!" I ask.
She leans over and pauses the show before moving herself up on my chest.
"What is wrong with you?" She laughs and lets her fingers enjoy my hair.
"Nothing is wrong with me. You're the weird one." I laugh as she connects our lips.

"Well, I don't watch Discovery Channel. We can watch that when we're like 90." She smiles.

She freezes just like myself and I wrap my arms around her.
"90 huh?" I smile.
"Even 90-year-olds have better taste in entertainment." She giggles as my fingers tangle in her hair.

"Fine. We'll watch a horror movie." I say reaching for the remote while she caresses my cheeks.
Before I can touch the remote, she pulls back my hand and puts it on her waist. My eyebrows raise as her hand pushes mine inside her shirt.
"Your scared aren't you?" I ask.
"What?! Me?! I don't get scared." She says defensively as my fingers run over the back of her neck.
"Yeah, you are scared. Don't be scared. I'm right here." I say turning on a horror movie.
As the movie progresses, I can feel Meredith's heart beating hard like mine. As cocky I am, I don't pause it and let it play. As she hears something in the movie that makes me jump, she buries her face in my neck so that she can't see the movie. I breathe heavily and pause it before it gets scarier.
"Ms. Idontgetscared is just sleeping, right? Has nothing to do with the movie right?" I tease.
"I have had it with you snarky comments." She says angrily while she tugs on my hair.
"You love my snarky comments." I smile.
She laughs and rests her lips on my hairline.
"So...," I thrust upwards and she squeals.
"You need to finish your sentence if it's a question." She smirks as I run my fingers through her hair.
"Do you trust me?" I ask softly.
"I don't expect you to trust me yet." I clear up.
"Not yet." She says.
I nod, pick up my phone.
"What are you doing?" She asks.
"Breakfast burritos," I reply holding the phone to my ear.
"Give me a minute," I say softly before heading into the room and ordering us the burritos.
I grab my Bowdoin sweater and a shirt. I slide the shirt over my head and it falls on my chest. I put on the sweater and walk back to the kitchen.
"Let's go." I smile as Meredith hops off the counter.
"Where?" She asks as she slips into her Ugg's.
"You don't need those." I smile.
He looks at me, confused but takes off the Uggs. I reach my hand out and wait for hers. Hesitantly, she puts her hand on mine. I lean down and kiss the back of her hand. She walks to me and I feel my heart beat faster. I pull her out onto the balcony and she smiles as the wind pushes her hair. Quickly, she puts her hair in a ponytail so it won't fly in my face though I don't mind. Her hands grip the stainless steel edge.
"The view is beautiful." She smiles as she looks over Central Park and gazes at time square miles away.
"The view is perfect," I say looking at her.
She turns and blushes, her cheeks turning red. My arms reach around her waist as my chin rests on her shoulder.
"I love you." She whispers.
I smile and kiss her neck softly as the wind flows around us.
"I was going to take you there last Christmas." I start, stopping often to kiss her neck.
"The Empire State Building?" She asks gently as her hand slips off the railing.
"Yes." I suck on her neck hard enough to make her arm move around my head.
"We could go still," I mumble as her fingertips run through my hair while I keep leaving my saliva on her neck.
"Don't you have work?" She asks, making me groan.
"Ugh- forget about work. I just go you back." I whisper.
My phone starts ringing and I mumble curses in frustration.
"Answer it, Derek." She says turning.
"No. I don't want to." I say clearly as I look in my pockets.
She steps closer and puts a hand on my thigh. I freeze as her hand slips in the pocket and she pulls out the ringing phone. I move to hit the decline button but she hits the green one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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