Chapter 8

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A/N: music is optional as always.
Time Jump - 1 month
Derek's POV:
"Meredith, you held a clamp for the last 7 hours and you still look stunning." I smiled as I scrubbed out of surgery with her.
"Thank you, Derek." She smiles and quickly pecks my lips before heading out of the room.
I follow her to the main lobby and as we walk, I notice everyone looking at her like she is a specimen of a rare species. Richard passes me and I turn to face him.
"Richard," I call.
"Derek! Great surgery." He smiled.
"Why is everyone watching Mer- Dr. Grey today?" I asked.
I patiently waited for an answer as he looked around.
"Today is her birthday and she hasn't acknowledged it at all. No one knows why." He whispered.
My face wanted to look shocked but I forced myself to nod and smile. He did the same and walked away. Once he was out of range, I frowned. Meredith had not told me about her birthday therefore I had not gotten her anything. I smiled with an idea and pulled out my phone. The boardwalk was a few miles away. My face turned into a smile remembering how I passed the giant wheel Ferris Wheel every night home from work. I check the time and gasped audibly. It was already 6. I ran down to the intern locker room and smiled opening the door. Meredith stood in a purple sweater and jeans that hugged her figure. She smiled as I came closer.
"Is your shift over?" I asked.
"Yeah. It ended a few minutes ago, why?" She smiled.
I looked around and upon seeing no one, I pressed my lips against hers. She was tense at first but then eased into the kiss. My hands instinctively went to her waist while hers ran through the hair at the back of my head. Tingles ran down my spine as I started to lose breath. She pulled away and we took deep breaths, trying to steady ourselves.
"Why didn't you tell me about your birthday?" I asked.
"What?" She asked curiously.
"Your birthday, today?" I said smiling.
"Right, I never did anything for my birthday. My mom was always out with surgery and my dad was always out drinking." She replied closing the locker.
"You're telling me that you have never celebrated your birthday?!" I gasped.
"Not that I can remember." She replied smiling.
My jaw dropped as I stared at her in awe.
"Meet me in the lobby in 5 minutes. It's never too late to start celebrating your birthday." I said.
"Derek, really I-" she started.
"No. I will not take 'no' for an answer." I said firmly.
"Alright. I'll meet you there." She said grudgingly.
I pecked her lips and smiled wide as I walked away. Once I was out of sight, I ran to the attending's lounge and changed into a dress shirt. I smiled as I pulled on khakis. Grabbing my bag, I walked into the lobby to find Meredith waiting for me. She smiled as I walked up to her.
"Ready?" I asked, holding her hand.
"Where are we going?" She asked as I pulled her hand.
"To a place." I smiled.
"Very specific." She said jokingly as I shut her door.
I sat in the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot. Her fingers tangled with mine as we drove.
"The boardwalk?" She asked as I held the door open for her.
"Yes, the boardwalk." I smiled.
Once she got out, I closed the door and locked the car. She smiled as her hands closed around my right arm. I smiled and we walked to the boardwalk. Her fingers interwoven in mine, she pulled me to the edge.
"Look at the sky! It's beautiful." She smiled.
"It is not as beautiful as you are. Doesn't even come close." I laughed as we made our way down the boardwalk.
"Let's go ride the Ferris Wheel." She smiled excitedly.
I laughed and started to walk towards it and realized her hand was no longer in mine. As I was about to turn, I felt her jump on my back and smiled. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I held her legs to my torso. She weighed like nothing on me. Her head leaned against mine and she kissed my cheek. I smiled as the scent of a flower caught my nose. I let my arms fall and she got off my back once we reached the Ferris wheel. The man took five dollars from me. I walked inside the navy cabin and looked back. I held my hand out and she took it, gently getting in. I smiled as she sat down with me and the man closed the gate so that we wouldn't fall. Her head rested against my shoulder as we moved higher in the sky.
"Movie or TV show?" She asked.
"I think movies because TV shows are just too time-consuming." I smiled.
"Me too." She laughed as we reached the top.
I pulled her in and pressed my lips against hers. She smiled and opened her mouth, letting my tongue slip in. Her hands ran down my chest as mine caressed her cheek. I pulled away breathlessly as we reached the bottom. We thanked the man and continued to walk together on the boardwalk towards the beach. It was already dark but this date was too good to end so soon. I watched Mer kick off her shoes and socks and step in the sand. I followed her and held my shoes in one hand. Once we were halfway to the water, I dropped the shoes next to hers, picked her up, and threw her over my shoulder while laughing.
"Derek!" Her giggles echoed in my ears.
"Yes, Meredith?" I asked snickering.
"Put me down!" She laughed holding me tight.
"Not yet," I said carrying her towards the water.
"Please no water." She begged holding me tight.
"Come on, the water didn't hurt anyone." I smiled.
"Have you heard of tsunamis? Or tidal waves?" She asked.
I felt her grip tighten against my shoulders as I let my arms fall and stop supporting her body. I laughed as she didn't let go and hugged me like a koala. The sand was damp but she shook her head in protest.
"Come on," I whined.
"Fine." She gave in and cringed as her legs unwrapped from my torso and pressed into the damp sand.
"You can see the stars much better from here." She said looking at the sky.
"I'm not looking at the stars." I smiled.
She directed her attention towards me and smiled. Her beauty hit me all at once and I laughed. Her hands wrapped my torso as my fingers caressed her jawline and cheeks. I bent down and pressed my lips to hers. A slight breeze created goosebumps on my arms. Her lips sucked gently at my lower lip as mine did the same to her upper lip. Our tongues met in the middle and ran circles around each other, gently rubbing. My fingers moved through her hair, as she stepped closer. Her hands moved to my hair as mine drifted to her waist. My body pulsated, needing to move closer to hers. Her fingers tugged at my hair, I pressed my body against hers and a warm feeling spread throughout me. Her tongue went back into her mouth as mine did the same. I pulled away smiling wide. Our breathing was not even as our foreheads pressed each other. I laughed as I took deep breaths seeing her red lips. Her fingers played with the buttons on my dress shirt as she giggled. I could feel my cheeks redden as our noses brushed.
"I can't beat you at kissing." She says looking into my eyes and smiling.
"Oh no. You are the best kisser." I admit truthfully.
"Okay, sure!" She says sarcastically.
"Your right. I am a pretty good kisser." I say cockily.
Her fingers intertwine with mine and we start to walk back to the boardwalk while laughing. I grudgingly let go of her fingers to put on my shoes. She pulls her sneakers on and gets back up. I pull her in closer as we walk. I smiled wide seeing a game on the boardwalk and dragged her to it. She smiled wide as we approached the man.
"I bet you can't beat me at this," I said smirking.
I handed the man five dollars and looked back at Meredith who was already sitting on one of the seats.
"I don't have to bet, because I can beat you." She said.
The bell rang and I concentrated hard on getting the spray of water to hit the target. Almost immediately, the bell rang and I stared in awe at Meredith.
"You can choose any of the big ones." The man smiled.
She turned to me and smirked before pointing to a giant teddy bear. The man reached up and brought it down with ease. My jaw was still dropped and she closed it with her hands.
"How did you do that so fast?!" I asked as we walked away.
"I guess you are just slow." She smiled.
"Ok, you know what? You are going to pay for that! Take it back!" I laugh as I tickle her smomjeehehhhheet
"There is one thing that I am better at than you." I say smiling as Meredith hugs my side.
I put a hand over her shoulder and feel her shake slightly.
"What is that?" She smiles.
"Board games. You will never ever beat me at Monopoly." I smirk as I hold the giant bear in the other hand so she can hold my chest tighter.
"I'll give you that one. I am horrible at board games." She laughs.
I can feel her shivering against me and if I weren't so cocky, I would admit that it was cold. Trying to make an excuse, I hold out my watch.
"It's getting late, let's go to your house." I smile.
She looks up at me and tiptoed to leave a warm kiss on my lips. She then nods and I pull her closer to me. Her head rests on my shoulder as we walk at a steady pace to the car. Holding the door open for her, I let her sit inside. Laughing, I place the teddy bear in the backseat of the car. I ran back to the passenger seat and Meredith rolled down the window. "I have to take this call. 1 minute." I lied.
She smiled sweetly and I kissed her lips before she rolled up the window. I walked to the back of the car and dialed the bakery to order Meredith's favorite cake.
"Seattle Bakery. How can we help you?" A man asked.
"Hello, I would like a blue velvet cake with buttercream frosting. Can you write 'Happy Birthday Meredith' on it?" I asked quickly looking to see if Mer was watching me.
"Of course, will you be picking it up or would you like it delivered?" He asked.
"Umm...I'll pick it up." I said.
Delivery would be ideal but there was a possibility that they would come later than I wanted or mess up the cake on the way. Meredith was too important to take chances.
"Your name sir?" He asked.
"Derek Shepherd." I replied and waved at Meredith who was smiling at me through the rear-view mirror.
"Your cake will be ready in thirty minutes." He said.
"Thank you." I smiled and hung up.
I took a deep breath and slipped my phone into my pocket. "Is everything alright?" She asked as I sat in the drivers seat still nervous.
"Yes, is it okay if we stop by somewhere on our way? A friend needs me to pick up something." I lie again.
"Of course." She says.
We talk as I drive and I feel as though everything is perfect. Once we reach the bakery, it is too dark to see anything.
"I'll be right back okay?" I asked.
"Yeah." She says.
I reach a hand out and caress her cheek. She smiles and I place a soft kiss on her lips again before I leave the car. As soon as I shut the car door, I walk a few steps and start to sprint inside, eager to get back to Meredith.
"Hello. Derek Shepherd." I say handing the man my card.
He smiles and pulls out a cake. I smile seeing it and laugh. The circle cake is a slight tint of blue from the velvet underneath the off-white buttercream. Navy blue frosting spells out 'Happy Birthday' on it. I lean in and take in the smell of sugar and smile again. I watch as he slides my card in the machine and hands me a receipt with my card.
"Do you sell candles? And a lighter?" I ask.
"Yes. Here you go." He says putting a pack of candles and a pocket lighter out of the drawer.
"Awesome thank you." I smile handing him my card again.
"Your welcome, she must mean a lot to you." He says sliding my card through the reader.
"She does." I reply taking my card back.
"Have a nice night!" He smiles.
"You too!" I laugh as I carry the bag with the box of cake and the candles to the parking lot.
I open the trunk of the car and place it inside, making sure that Meredith cannot see it.
"Hey, thank you for being so patient with me." I say sitting in the seat with her.
She just smiles and holds my fingers loosely. I chuckled and lift her hand to my lips.
"I really, really appreciate it." I say kissing her hand.
She laughs as I let go and start driving. Her emerald eyes shine in the light of her porch. I run over to her car door and hold it open. She steps out and I peck her lips before grabbing the large teddy bear from the back of the car. She laughs as I lock the car and walk with her to the door.
"Are you coming inside?" She asks.
"I don't know. Am I?" I say, loosely holding her fingertips as I step in front of her.
"You could. And show me your Monopoly skills." She smiles.
"Then I am," I say as she unlocks the door.
"You are." She replies pulling me inside.
"Izzie And George are working The night shift so you can stay over." She says kicking her shoes off.
"Sounds great," I reply following her into the kitchen, leaving my shoes by the door.
"Do you like pizza?" She asks.
"I love pizza," I reply hugging her from behind.
She giggles and picks up the phone as I kiss her neck.
"Hi. Can I get a cheese pizza?... Yes..." She says after a while.
Her hand smacks my head away from her neck as she continues to speak.
"303 Comstock Street. Thank you." She says hanging up.
I feel like I'm in trouble as she turns around to face me.
"You are unbelievable." She laughs.
"So, I've heard," I reply smirking.
"Shut up." She says softly walking away and hiding her smile.
Reaching into the fridge, she pulls out two beers and hands one to me. I smile and take a sip that sends shocks through me. I watch as she walks to a cabinet and pulls out a Monopoly. She walks back and sets it on the table. I put my drink on the table and she does the same with hers. Gently I grab her waist and hoist her on the island. She smiles and her legs wrap around the top of my chest and I lean against the edge of the island. My hands travel to her back and I rub circles on her sides. I can't help but stare into the emerald-oceans and get lost in them. The mix between blue and green mesmerizes me in a way that I haven't ever felt before.
"Are you going to kiss me?" She says in a whisper, pulling me out of my head and making me laugh.
I smile and stand on my toes to reach her lips. Our lips connect send pulses through my body. The doorbell rings and she gets off the table to get the pizza.
"Can you bring those into the living room?" She asks.
"Yeah," I respond.
She smiles and walks away. I grab a water from the fridge and take a large sip. What was this feeling? Like I can't breathe unless she is touching me. I finish the water bottle and take deep breaths as I carry the two drinks and Monopoly to the living room. I set them on the coffee table and move it to the side as Meredith talks to the woman. Quickly, I grab my brown blanket from the edge of the chair and lay it on the ground by the fireplace. I look at the cracking fire and stare in awe at how different my life could be. My mind drifts again to the strange new feeling, trying to recall it. As Meredith walks into the room, the feeling re-enters me.
"You made a bed for us here?" She asks.
"Hey, yeah," I say my head moving to watch her.
She put the pizza on the table, next to the drinks and walked over to me.
"If you want I can pick it up," I say.
"No. I think it's cute." She said handing me my beer.
"I'm always cute." I say smiling and pulling her to me.
She giggles and lands on my lap. I smother her with kisses.
"Very cute." She says opening the box of pizza.
"Mmm. Smells so good." I moan as the scent of pizza drifts into my nose.
She takes a slice and hands it to me. I smile as she takes one for herself and starts to set up the game. I watch her as she chooses a piece and places it on the start. I choose mine and do the same while taking a bite of pizza.
"How was your day?" She asked after a few hours of talking.
"My day was absolutely perfect," I say feeling a little tipsy from the beer.
"What about you?" I ask.
"Today is probably one of the best days I've had in a long time. Thank you, Derek." She says smiling.
I laugh as she sits on my lap and her hands wrap around my neck. My hands pull her waist closer as her minty breath overwhelms me. Gently, I press my lips to hers and edge game off the make-shift bed with my feet. Since we cleaned up the pizza, the fake bed was clean. I hold her legs and place her on the bed, pushing myself into her svelte figure. Our mouths open, letting our tongues explore each other's mouths. I feel her hands unbutton my shirt and watch as she throws it aside. I pull her shirt and tank top off, leaving her top half almost completely exposed. I feel myself stiffen at her touch. She rolls over, on top of me and starts to kiss down my chest. I watch as she throws her pants and mine to the side. I carefully pull her up and hold her waist to me as I roll on top again. She moans as my mouth connects with her neck, sucking gently. My fingers run down her body sensually and unclasp her bra. I take off the offensive undergarment and toss it on the couch. She leans up and playfully bites my ear, causing me to let out a moan and lose my dominance. She takes it and rolls on me again. My hands find her panties and pull them off as her mouth teases mine. Her legs wrap around my waist and I feel her toes push my boxer briefs down. Smiling, I kick them off and look at her. She pulls a drawer from the coffee table and grabs a condom. I quickly take it and slide it onto my erection. She walks back to me and I hold her waist as she grinds against me only making my erection harder.
"Ready?" I ask.
She nods and moans at the feeling of my hands massaging her breasts. Gently, I hold her and flip us over so that I am on top. Using two fingers, I reach down and release the tension in her folds by rubbing.
"Derek!" She moans.
"Mer, you already so wet," I say hotly.
I hold my massive erecting member in my hands and tease her folds but running the tip on the surface. Carefully, I lean down and push myself inside her as my hands pin hers above her head. I hear her let out a small whimper as I start going faster. She squeezes my hands and nods fast. Her moans ring in my ear, pushing me to the edge.
"Faster." She moans as her fingers tangle in my hair.
I nod and thrust into her more aggressively and suck at her breasts. I moan loudly as her walls began to clutching at my member.
"Meredith." I moan into her ear.
"Derek!" She lets out a breathless moan.
I take a deep breath and let out a yell as I feel high. Jolts of electricity run down my nerves, just barely giving me enough energy to moan at the feeling. My body pulses as Meredith shakes vigorously. A series of incoherent words escape our mouths as I slide out of her and take off my condom. Meredith climbs on me and strokes my throbbing erection making a jet of fluid spray in her mouth. I moan as her tongue swirls over my sensitive tip and cleans it off. She falls back beside me and I pull the brown blanket over the two of us. My hand goes to my chest and I feel it rise an inch every time I take a breath. Her fingertips run against mine until I push my fingers into hers. The sound of our heavy breaths is the only thing I hear.
"Best Birthday Ever." She says softly.
I let her lean against my chest and feel calm as her fingers play with the hair on my chest.
"The only thing that would make this even more perfect than it already is...." I start smiling as I look out the window.
"Snow." She smiles.
I smile feeling happy that she shares my love for snow and the end of the year.
"Do you have plans for Christmas?" I ask hopefully even though Christmas was 6 months away.
"Where would I go?" She laughs.
"Maybe stay with your mother?" I asked.
She buried her face into my shoulder.
"Did I say something?" I asked stroking her hair.
"No. It's not you." She said muffled into my neck.
"What's wrong Meredith?" I ask.
"I think I can trust you now. I would really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone." She says softly.
Pangs of guilt hit my body. Meredith doesn't know about Addison and I feel horrible keeping it from her.
"It's my mother. She isn't writing a book or traveling." Meredith says softly.
I pull her closer to me and feel her let out a deep breath.
"She has Alzheimer's," Meredith says almost inaudible.
"How advanced?" I ask holding her body on top of mine.
"Very, she is in a home and I am the only person who knows that she is sick." She says as I feel a tear on my chest.
"Meredith, I won't tell anyone. I promise." I pull her closer and kiss the top of her head.
"Thank you, Derek." She says.
"Come here," I say softly.
She nods and I turn on my side. Her back presses on my chest so I pull the blankets up to her neck, let my hand wrap her waist, and hold her close.
"Since you don't have you want to spend Christmas together?" I whisper.
"I would love to." She says as I pull her in closer.
Her fingers close over mine and she pushes in closer to me. I smile at the warmth that spreads through my chest. I take a deep breath and smell the flowery scent.
"Meredith, I forgot something." I say smiling.
"What did you forget?" She says sitting up.
I sit up and grabbed my boxer briefs off the floor.
"I'll be right back. You might want to wash your hands." I smirk throwing on the boxer briefs.
She looks confused but nods and heads up the stairs. I quietly run to the kitchen and wash my hands before heading out the door, grabbing my keys. I run to the car, barefoot and grab the bag with the cake. Carefully, I carry the bag back into the house. Upon seeing Meredith sitting on the makeshift bed by the fireplace, I hold a finger up at Meredith signaling 'One minute' and see her nod as I step into the kitchen. Quickly I pull out the cake, put it on the table and take out of the box, glad that it looks perfect. I take a few candles and place them in a circle on the cake. Carefully, I pull out the lighter and ignite each candle. I put it down and open the drawer. I smile and grab two forks.
"Close your eyes!" I yell picking up the cake and a knife.
I wake to the edge of the hallway and look at the cake one last time making sure that it is perfect.
"Are they closed?" I yell.
"Yes, Derek. My eyes are closed." She laughs.
I peek around the wall to see her eyes shut tightly.
"Don't open them until I tell you to." I say.
"Okay. What's going on Derek?" She asks leaning on the coffee table. 
She had put on an oversized sweater and a pair of sweatpants. I looked to the couch to see that she had thrown a pair of matching sweatpants for me on the couch. I gently set cake and utensils on the coffee table and throw on the sweat pants. I smile as I realize that she remembered that I enjoy being shirtless. I sit behind her and use my hand to hide everything from her eyes. She jumps at the contact but then relaxes. I sit behind her and inch her into my chest.
"Don't scare me like that!" She laughs.
"I'm sorry. Open your eyes." I say.
Slowly, I let my hands and fall to her waist and pull her in.
"Derek. You didn't have to." She laughs.
"No, I didn't, but I think that you deserve it." I say.
"Now make a wish and blow your candles.." I smile kissing her temple.
I watch for a minute as she thinks and leans in. A small gust of wind blows out the flames and she smiles. I pull her back and she turns her head to face me. I press my lips to hers. After a few seconds, I pull back and let my arms encase hers.
"We have to cut the cake." I smiled.
She nodded and let's my fingers slip in between hers. I smiled wide as I moved our hands to pick up the knife. She laughed as we pressed the knife into the cake and cut a slice.
"Wait." I say.
I grab the slice with my hands and hold it to her mouth. She giggles and takes a small bite.
"Picture time!" I laugh as she takes the cake and holds it in-front of my face.
I take the giant piece in my mouth and the cake smushes into my face causing both of us to laugh. I pull of my phone and pose with Meredith. We funny faces in one photo. I kiss her lips passionately in the next one and she nibbles at my face, cleaning of all the cake while I snap once more. We laugh as my lips encased the tip of her nose and ate the cake off it while she took a picture. I pushed my phone into my pocket and grabbed a fork for the both of us. She took small bites, I took huge ones and every few minutes we feed each other our bites.
"Blue velvet is my favorite!" She smiled.
"You told me. I remember." I laugh hugging her.
"I can't wait till Christmas." I smile.
"Calm down. It's only July. But I can't wait either." She admits laughing.
We laugh and I put my fork on the table. She takes another bite and places the fork by the cake.
"The cake was wonderful but I am stuffed." She smiles.
"Me too." I say still chewing.
She laughs and gets off my lap to put the cake away.
"No! Come back!" I moan.
"I'll just be a minute, I promise." She says picking up the cake and forks.
I make puppy-dog eyes and she laughs before walking away. I let my back fall and land on the bed. I stare at the ceiling until she comes back and stands above me. I smile and pull her down to me, earning giggles from her. She lands on my chest and I wrap my hands around her, squeezing her tight. Her back presses against my chest as I spoon her. She turns her head and I smile. I connect our lips and slide my tongue in her mouth. She does the same and I moan quietly at the feeling of her tongue dancing in my mouth. My fingers caress her smooth cheek. I pull away and breathe heavily.
My nose runs from the back of her neck to her shoulder. I leave small kisses on her clavicle and move my head back to rest by the back of her head.
"Mmm," I say as I spoon her by the fireplace.
The flowery scent of her hair makes my lungs expand and I breathe in as much of the enchanting aroma as possible.
"What?" She asks turning towards me.
I press my forehead against hers and smile seeing her beautiful blue-green orbs.
"What?" She laughs as her fingers caress my skin close to my ears and sending tingles down me back.
"Nothing. It's just-" I start smiling again.
"It's just what?" She laughs while her fingers brush my ears.
I move closer and place a kiss on her lips.
"You smell nice." I laugh.
"You smell nice too." She says softly.
I move my head against hers and watch her eyes close. She smiles and I kiss her nose before shutting my eyes.
"Good night Derek." I hear.
"Sweet dreams Meredith," I say softly.

Word Count - 5151
Okay. The power is out so I will probably start writing the chapter a little later than usual. MERRY CHRISTMAS if you celebrate it. And I will start to read over my chapter a few more times to edit them.

Tiktok + Instagram: paging.patrickdempsey
[dm me if you need anything 🙃]

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