Chapter 21

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AN: I- 😳😏😅. Uh... enjoy
[music optional like normal]


January 1st 2006
Finn's POV:
I navigate through the woods and glace at Meredith every few moments. She is trembling in the seat and I notice her sweating. Doc lays by her feet, and I watch him hop on the edge of the passenger seat. He is cautious as not to wake her and I smile at his gentleness. I watch from the alcove of my eyes as he coils into a ball beside her and relaxes his head up to rest on her thigh. I feel a knot at the bottom of my stomach, as I worry about her, and my focus on the road dwindles.

I had been wanting to tell her about I feel about her for the past few weeks. Addison had given up on me and I had directed my attention to Meredith and been trying to wait until she gets over Derek. I've been smart with Meredith, staying up to watch her sleep, to listen to her breathe. Hell, I even read articles on how to make serious people laugh. It worked, I may add.

"Mer?" I ask, looking back at the road.
I sigh as she doesn't acknowledge my questions. I turn onto the highway and push seven miles past the limit, determined to get to the hospital faster. She shifts, stirring occasionally until I open the windows a crack.

"You can wake her up," I say softly, acting as though Doc understands my words.
I watch for a moment as he pulls his head off her thigh and sits up. His ears line up with Meredith's nose and I look back at the highway. It's empty though, I don't find that extremely surprising because it's only 6 AM. I hear Doc whine softly and look towards him. Carefully, he leans on her thighs with his paws and licks her face quietly. As I look back at the road, I am surprised at how gently, he wakes her.  I rip my eyes off the road to watch her gorgeous eyes flutter open.

"Look who's finally up." I smile looking at the road.
"Water." She croaks as Doc's face runs against hers.
"Already prepared." I grab a water bottle from the inside of the center console and hand it to her with my right hand.
"Thanks." Her voice is raspy as she takes the water.
"Here." I throw a towel at her face and listen to her laugh.
She sits up, takes a sip, and wipes her face with the towel.
"I think it's passing. I threw up a lot." She says pulling the blanket off her chest and letting Doc.

"That's good. You are still going to have an IV in you as soon as we get to the hospital." I assert.
"But I am-" She starts.
"Nope. Don't speak. Banana Bag and you can handle patients in the pit." I say firmly.
"I miss the OR, I need to be practicing general surgery." She says.
"I've been more focused on Neuro." She continues as I pull into the hospital.
"Doc stay here please." She asks.

She gets out of the car and I walk around it to head into the hospital.
"Meredith?" I ask looking back.
She is holding the side of the car and her eyes are shut tight. I run behind her as she falls. I hold her up and pick her up.
"Come here," I say.
She clings to my neck and I smile softly as I let her head lean on mine. Her hands hold me unnecessarily tight.
"I can't feel my legs." She murmurs quietly.
"Alright," I grunt and pull her higher and walk into the OR.

"What happened to you?" Bailey asks Mer as I place her in a bed.
"I think it's food poisoning," I answer for her.
"Let's get an IV in you and you should be good in a few hours," Bailey says.
She nods and I see her let out a deep breath. Her shoulders relax and I smile.
"I'm going to come back with a change of clothes. Any preferences?" I ask.
"Not really, scrubs." She says.
"You are not scrubbing in on a surgery." I laugh and put an IV in her arm.
She winces and breathes in sharply.
"Sorry," I say quietly.
"It's okay. This IV lasts for a few hours and I should be perfectly fine at around 12." She says.
I sigh and kiss her hand before leaving the room. She laughs as I shake my head.

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