Chapter 4

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Opening my eyes, I jump out of bed at the sunlight. I know I am already late. I pick up my alarm clock as I throw on clothes. 6:00. I feel horrible as I walk into the hospital grabbing a a salad on my way to the attending's lounge. Meredith's first cardio thoracic surgery was ending soon and I promised that I would be there. Frantically, I slip into my scrubs and run towards the OR floor almost slipping every five seconds. I see an unmistakable svelte figure turn a corner and I sigh as I pant slowing my breath. I eat my salad and walk behind her.
"Hey, I'm sorry for missing the CABG with Burke. Did you get to hold the heart?" I asked trying to read if she was upset or angry as George followed closely behind.
"Yeah." She says in a tired tone.
"It's an amazing feeling, you never forget it the first time." I smile eating the salad as we walk through the hospital.
"It was pretty great just to watch. Vicarious thrills ya know?" George says as he takes my place by her side.
"Yeah" she says softly.
The elevator bells ring and I watch as she walks in and finally meets my eyes. Her once bright green irises are a dark shade and there are bags underneath her eyes indicating she hadn't slept in days.
"See you later." I said not stepping in the elevator.
"Bye." She nodded putting a hand up to wave as the metallic doors closed with a ding.
Getting a page, I walk up to a patient room, throwing away the empty plastic bowl of salad in the recycling bin. Walking into the room, I picked up the chart and read through.
Jerry Frost,
Age 43,
DOB: November 6th
Symptoms: Chronic back pain
I close the chart as I listen to Alex ask Mr. Frost questions.
"How long has your back been hurting you?" He asked.
"It's chronic, means I have it all the time." Mr. Frost said between deep breaths and groans of pain.
"I know what 'Chronic' means. What kind of pain are you having?" Alex asks clearly annoyed.
"Oh man, the pain's bad. Like a thousand samurai warriors stabbing my back." He says.
I tip toe and see his arms which have indents from other drugs. I walk out of the room and tell Alex to start a central line. He explains that there is some kind of party at Merediths house. Walking down the floor, I see Meredith doing charts looking very agitated. I lean over and study her face.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'm good." She replies fast.
"You sure? Because you seen not okay." I say.
"I'm fine. CABG was long." She says finally meeting my eyes.
"Well, let me take you out to dinner tonight and you can tell me all about it. Real food, waiters, big chunks of carbs in a basket." I ask.
"I can't." she says.
"Forget about the party." I say.
"You know about the party?!" She asks.
"Your friends will be at the party, you and I can be alone somewhere else." I smile softly.
"How do you know about the party?" She asks.
"Thanks for not inviting me by the way, that felt good. Dinner. Think about dinner. Perfect opportunity." I say.
She motions to say something but I smile as her pager rings and she runs a away. I head towards the bathroom and look myself in the mirror. I stare blankly at my reflection not knowing what to think. I ran cold water in the sink and rub it over my face. Wiping it with tissue paper, I walk out of the bathroom. As I leave, I am met with interns running around.
"What's wrong?" I yell.
"Something about Grey popping a glove in the CABG." One of them replied before speeding down the hall. I ran into the chief's office where he was about to speak to Burke.
"Where is Grey?" I ask breathlessly.
"We don't know." They answer.
I walk around the hospital looking for her until I see on the phone with someone.
"Is there anything else I need to bring beside my license? My checkbook, okay 6:30. I'll be there." I hear her say.
I slide between her and the edge of the railing.
"I heard." I say solemnly.
"It's a notary thing. A thing to get notarized." She responses nervously.
"I'm talking about the heart thing. Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask.
"We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?" She asks walking away.
I stare at her watching helpless as she walks away. I walk into the attending's lounge and pace. I lay down on the couch and stare at the ceiling. I don't know what to think. I pull out my phone, I see one name. Addison. I step in into the alleyway in the hospital and throw my phone against the bricks. It shatters into pieces and falls to the ground. This sudden burst of anger was surprising from me but I couldn't stand Addison. I walk back in the hospital and do an emergency surgery to make my anger burn out. Checking the time, I realize that Meredith's probably at her party, maybe drinking. Getting in my car, I drove to her house and smiled seeing her on the porch. I could hear music from the house and laughed watching Meredith dancing. She sipped from the Tequila bottle every few seconds and was definitely drunk. I stood in awe of the drunk Meredith.
"You know, in some states, you could get arrested for that." I smile as she directs her attention to me.
She walked closer and put down the bottle in the grass. I smiled again and pushed myself off the car.
"So you blew me off for a bottle of tequila. Tequila's no good for you. Doesn't call, doesn't write." I said as I walked.
"Not nearly as much fun to wake up to." I smirked.
Meredith and I were a foot apart and I saw her arm reach up. The tugged at the collar of my dress-shirt, pulling me closer. I took a step closer and let myself be pulled into her awaiting lips. She hesitated and let out a breath filled with the smell of tequila. I pressed my lips against hers and felt my feet getting weak. Our lips locked and she pulled away.
"Take me for a ride Derek." She whispers as I pull her closer.
I nodded in shock and led her to my car. I slipped into the passenger seat and let her sit on my knees. I laughed as her giggles filled the car. Her fingers met the hem of my shirt. I slide my arms out of my jacket and let her take off my sweater. My hands drifted to her waist as she leaned down. Pulling off the sweater, her lips locked with mine. Her fingers undid the buttons on my shirt while mine ran down her bare sides. She moaned into my mouth as I unhooked her bra. She moved herself closer and I attacked her breasts.
"Derek..." She moaned.
"Mmm." I said licking my lips before moving back to chest.
Her fingers lost themselves in my thick, raven curls as my hands pulled her closer to me. My tongue acts with a mind of its own. My saliva spread against her skin, while her fingers moved to my belt. My loud sucks against her skin could probably be heard within a few feet of the car. Hickeys appeared on her breasts as I pinched the tips gently causing her to breathe out loud into my ears. I gasped at her fingers grasp at my manhood through my boxers. She put her knees on the seat so she could side off the rest of my clothes. I chuckled and used my teeth to pull down the fly on her jeans with my teeth. She moaned as I let my mouth pull down her panties while she gripped at my shoulders. My erection grew with ever passing second. The scent of us together filled my nose only arousing me more. Her hand gripped at my member and I moaned as she pulled it up. I leaned over the seat a grabbed a condom. Her eyes eyes me hungrily as she leaned over it. I held her butt closer as she kissed the sensitive tip. I moaned loudly and she laughed as she sucked at it, while rubbing it carefully.
"Oh..Meredith!" I yelled.
My fingers tangled in her hair and held her as her head bobbed over me. Sweat burst from my skin while I gasped for air. I opened the windows and let in a cool breeze. I could feel myself almost there when I felt the tip on the back of her throat. I gasped as cum spewed from my erecting member and watched as she licked it fast as it dripped down my body. She fingers closed around it which was already throbbing. She stroked it up and down.
"Do you want to help?" She asked between sucks.
"Yes." I gasped.
My right hand left her hair and moved to my cock. I stroked it gently, feeling more of my seed dripping down. She licked it all off and handed me the condom.
"Wait." I said taking deep breaths.
"What?" She asked swallowing the rest of my cum.
"I want to taste you." I said catching my breath.
She nodded as we breathed heavily. I held her waist and I slid off the seat onto the floor. She stood above me and I stared in awe at her. I kissed her thighs gently earning moans as I used my hands to spread her legs. I turned her so that she fell in passenger seat. She moaned as I attacked her legs, licking and sucking to the bikini line. I looked up to her eyes and met her eyes. I smiled at her while she caressed my jaw line. I smiled and laughed as my tongue ran against her folds, teasing.
"Oh Derek!" She yelled.
I placed soft kisses in her and held her ass. Her heavy breathing was a huge turn-on. I sucked at her wetness and felt the hair being tugged on. I moaned at the feeling and let my tongue flick in her folds. I pulled away breathlessly.
"No, please don't stop." She whimpered.
"I haven't" I said.
She nodded as I plunged my tongue back into her folds. She screamed at my sudden action and moaned loudly. I kept sucking until her clit was cherry red.
"Are you ready for more?" I asked, muffled in her.
"Yes." She said breathlessly.
I licked my lips and buried my whole mouth in her folds. She screamed in pleasure and her legs wrapped around my neck. I moaned as my tongue penetrated her and went deep. She rocked against my tongue perfectly.
"Derek, I'm going to c-" She whimpered.
I felt her walls tighten against my tongue. I moaned and speed up my tongue, pushing it deeper. I get her g-spot an sucked on the hard knob as she shook violently. Fluid poured out of her in to my mouth. I slurped on it, trying my best to suck all of it.
"Meredith you taste wonderful." I said between slurps.
I sat up and picked her up. She get go of my curls and her hands ran down my chest.
"You want to take a break?" I asked.
"Not yet." She said softly.
I moaned as she held my manhood in her fingers and lifted herself over it. I moved my hand to it and she gently held my knees. I nodded and she slid on to me, gasping the deeper she went. I moaned as her walls encased me. My hands held her breasts and squeezed them every so often. Meredith looked at me for approval and I nodded. Gently, she held the seat and lifted herself up, I groaned as air filled some of the space between us. She moved down getting used to my size as I continued to massage her breasts. She slid faster up and down, bouncing on me. I groaned as her breasts moved up and down in my mouth. I turned her around and thrust into her. I yelled as her walls contracted and wrapped around me. I held her close and thrust into her one last time sending us both into heaven. A transcendent feeling washed over me as I fell against the seat and after she got off the seat. I watched as she put on her panties. I pulled on my boxers and jeans, watching her do the same. Smiling, she sat on on me again, and started to laugh. I smiled and grabbed her bra. She slid her arms in and connected the back. She shivered slightly.
"Are you cold?" I asked.
"A little." She said.
I reached back and grabbed my dress shirt and threw it over her shoulders. She giggled and looked down at me. My hands moved up and caressed her cheeks. She leaned down and kissed me softly. Her lips brushed against mine and her tongue rolled into my mouth. I moaned as it twirled in my mouth, playing with mine. I pulled back and we laughed.
"You know, it sounds like the party's winding down." I said smiling as I caressed her cheeks.
"You know." I said quietly as she kissed me again.
"Listen to me!" I laughed.
"What?!" She laughed sitting up.
"We should probably sneak inside now." I said pushing the hair out of her face as she smiled down at me.
"We've done enough sneaking for the night. It was good sneaking, but enough sneaking." She smiled.
"Yeah, I'd say we're pretty good sneakers." I laughed as I pulled up the dress shirt the had fallen off her shoulders.
She corrected the shirt while I pushed more hair out of her face. I pulled her face closer to mine. Her hands rested on my thighs and she turned her head. Letting my hands bring her face closer, she leaned in. Our lips brushed and we turned when we heard a knock.
"You mind moving this tailwagon? You're blocking me in."
Bailey says angrily before walking away.
I sighed and looked at Meredith. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Apparently not good enough sneaking." I said softly.
She nodded and opened the door. I watched as she leaned over me, grabbed her sweater and left my shirt on my lap. As I drove home, I thought of all the things this could mean. Bailey knew that Meredith and I were together. If we were together anymore. Would Bailey tell the chief? If she did- would Meredith get fired? Did Bailey know about Addison? I felt sick and stumbled into my trailer. What if Meredith found out about Addison? Grabbing a beer, I sat on my bed thinking about everything. What was I doing? Was this all a mid-life crisis? Would I ever talk to my brother again? I resented Finn for what he did but I missed him. Pulling out my phone, I called Mark Sloan.
"Hello? Who is this?" He asked.
"Hey Mark, it's me Derek." I said.
"Oh yes, how is the trailer? Is everything alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, everything on the land is great. I was just wonder if you wanted to come over for a beer?" I asked.
"Yeah, I've been looking for a friend. I'll be there I around and hour." He says.
"See you soon." I say hanging up.
Walking out of my trailer, I lay on the deck of the trailer, looking up at the sky, I start to realize how insignificant I am. I hear footsteps and sit up to see Mark Sloan. Smiling, I hand him a beer as he sits next to me. For a while, we sit in silence sipping at our beers.
"I cheated on my wife, but she cheated first." I say.
"I did drugs." He says.
Our heads snap at each other and we stare in awe. His serious expression changes to humor as he cracks a smile. We explode in laughter as he takes the last sip of his beer.
"How many times did she cheat?" He asks.
"Once." I replied catching my breath.
"How many times did you cheat?" He asks again.
"Twice." I replied.
As we walk by the lake he starts laughing again.
"No. You don't get to laugh! How many times did you shroom on this land?!" I ask trying to hold back tears from laughing so hard.
"Too many." He snickers.

Word Count - 2808
Umm...not cmt.

Tiktok/Instagram: paging.patrickdempsey
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