Chapter 24

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AN: heyo 😚 I did a thing

⚠️ Mature Warning⚠️ 😏

And I am trying to match the music with the chapters- I used to be better but now it kinda sucks, still optional tho-

Without further ado- peruse congenially my sex-crazed, horny readers 🤣

I lie wakeful and gaze at the ceiling while my fingers control my body temperature with Meredith's. It looks pitch black outside but I get up anyhow. Gently, I slide on sneakers and open the door of the room. The frigid air chills my bones as I close it again to keep Meredith warm. I grip my elbows and head down the stairs to the main building. A man is sitting at the desk with full PPE. I chuckle and step towards him.
"Hello?" I ask.
He shakes and his head lifts from a magazine.
"You shouldn't be out here. Sir, I advise you to go to your room." He says.
"Yeah, it's just uh- my friend needs morphine," I say.
He nods and puts a plastic bag in the metal compartment. I pull the other side of the drawer and take out the bag with a bottle of pills.
"Thanks. So do you have alcohol?" I ask.
He laughs and clicks the red switch.
"There is a cooler in the back of your freezer. It gets automatically filled." He smiles.
I laugh and nod before I shuffle back up to the room. I slowly click the door open and leave my shoes out. Resting the pills on the nightstand, I head back to my spot on the floor and stare at her face. She is drooling in her slumber and I pick a tissue. I inch the tissue across her lips and toss it out.

"I love you so much," I murmur and move against the bed frame.
Her hand shifts slightly and I let it relax on my chest.
"But I keep mistreating you and making you feel terrible." I turn and look at her face as she yawns.
"I can't stop." I groan softly and let myself slump back in the mess of blankets before gently holding the ends of her delicate fingers.
I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I arouse to the aroma of eggs and groan as I feel hot. I turn over in the blankets of the bed and edge my shirt from my chest. I smile at the sensation of instant tranquility and open my eyes. How did I get in the bed? Pulling off the coverings, I swivel my legs over the edge and smirk lightly as I watch Meredith. She is relaxed on the counter with her eyes shut and is swaying to the music in her headphones. I walk up to her and look at the phone. My favorite song is playing and she chuckles. Her breath is minty and I let my nose move closer to her hair.
"Morning," I declare loudly.
"Huh? Oh hey! Good morning!" She laughs and I groan.
I pull out her headphones and make her look at me.
"Meredith. I admire your enthusiasm but please, bring it down to like 25 percent. It isn't even-" I lean over the edge of the counter.
"It's 10." She says loudly and puts eggs in my jaws.
"Woah." I sigh loudly as the cheesy eggs hit my taste buds.
"That's delicious," I say chewing slowly to savor the zest.
"2 hours too early anyway," I say, hoisting myself on the counter.

She chuckles and turns off the stove as I clutch the fork in her hand. I devour the eggs off the pan and hold her back from striking me. I laugh and finish the eggs in the pan.
"Oh, I hate you!" She says as she punches my chest.
I don't flinch as her tiny ineffectual fists pound away against me.
"These eggs are wonderful." I hold her back and jump off the counter.
"You didn't have to eat all of them." She complains as I pout, taunting her.

"I woke up today and I thought: I am going to be nice to Derek today. I moved you on the bed, I was going to share eggs with you but-" She starts.
I gasp as she jumps on me and shoves me into the bed. I laugh as she strikes me. Her hands are touching my bare chest and we are weaved in the blankets.
"You are so- rude!" She declares.
I smile and relax below her until she runs out of energy and collapses next to me. I roll on my side to her and watch her panting. She looks adorable as she glares.
"How are you not hurt yet?!" She lets out a sharp breath and gets back on my chest to continue hitting me.
"Your fists are tiny and ineffectual. I can't feel anything." I smile wide and grab her waist.
She squeals and I push her into the bed. I smile and lay on her while pushing her back into the bed. I laugh and let out a deep breath before collapsing on her.

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